Smallhorn, J. 2011. The Binanderean languages of Papua New Guinea: reconstruction and subgrouping. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
47637Yegha (Ambe-Dofo Dialect)aunt'dataaunt: father's sister, mother's brother's wife
47638Yegha (Yega Dialect)aunttatopaternal aunt
47639Gaina (Karoto Dialect)aunt'tataaunt
47640Baruga (Bareji Dialect)aunt'tataaunt: father's sister, mother's brother's wife
47641Baruga (Mado Dialect)aunt'tataaunt: father's sister, mother's brother's wife
47642Baruga (Tafota Dialect)aunt'tataaunt: father's sister, mother's brother's wife
47643Baruga (Tafota Dialect)aunttataaunt, father's sister, mother's brother's wife
47644Baruga (Tafota Dialect)aunt[rao] tatofemale kinsfolk, a woman's female relatives
47646Yegha (Korafe Dialect)aunt['jao] 'tatosisters, woman's female relatives in her generation
47647Yegha (Korafe Dialect)aunt[ni]'tatoyour aunt (possessive referential term)
47648Yegha (Korafe Dialect)aunt'tataaunt: father's sister, mother's brother's wife
47649Proto-Binandereaxe (stone)*otә
47650Guhu-Samaneaxe (stone)ohousmall adze used in carving bows, arrows, spears, etc.
47651Suenaaxe (stone)ótàaxe
47652Suenaaxe (stone)otaaxe
47653Yekoraaxe (stone)otaaxe
47655Ziaaxe (stone)otoaxe
47656Binandereaxe (iron)otoiron, tomahawk
47657Binandereaxe (stone)'otoaxe
47658Hunjara-Kaina Keaxe (stone)ohroaxe
47659Hunjara-Kaina Keaxe (stone)'ohroaxe
47660Gaina (Karoto Dialect)axe (stone)'otoaxe
47661Baruga (Tafota Dialect)axe (stone)otoaxe
47662Baruga (Tafota Dialect)axe (stone)'ootoaxe, stone axe
47663Doghoroaxe (stone)'otoaxe
47664Yegha (Korafe Dialect)axe (stone)'ototraditional axe-head, made of stone
47665Proto-Binandereback (body part)*guN
47666Suenaback (body part)gu[tipa]back
47667Suenaback (body part)gu[tipe]back
47668Binandereback (body part)guŋback
47669Binandereback (body part)back
47670Binandereback (body part)'gũback
47671Binandere (Ambasi Dialect)back (body part)guback
47672Aekaback (body part)back
47673Orokaivaback (body part)kuback
47674Orokaiva (Para Harava Dialect)back (body part)back
47675Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)back (body part)kuback of person
47676Hunjara-Kaina Keback (body part)kuback
47677Hunjara-Kaina Ke (Kokoda Dialect)back (body part)kuback
47678Ewage-Notuback (body part)ŋgunback
47679Ewage-Notuback (body part)back
47680Ewage-Notuback (body part)guɲback
47681Ewage-Notuback (body part)[uso] guNhis back
47682Yegha (Oukena Dialect)back (body part)[uso] guNhis back
47683Gainaback (body part)gu[ka]back
47684Gainaback (body part)[nunda] gu[ka]his back
47685Gaina (Gena Dialect)back (body part)gu[xa]back
47686Gaina (Gena Dialect)back (body part)[nunda] gu[ka]his back