Smallhorn, J. 2011. The Binanderean languages of Papua New Guinea: reconstruction and subgrouping. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
55186Ewage-Notutongue[uso] aβewahis tongue
55188Yegha (Oukena Dialect)tongue[uso] aβewahis tongue
55189Yegha (Yega Dialect)tongueawenatongue
55190Yegha (Yega Dialect)tongueawewatongue
55193Gainatongue[nunda] aβewahis tongue
55195Gaina (Gena Dialect)tonguea'βeβaashes (black)
55196Gaina (Gena Dialect)tongue[nunda] aβewahis tongue
55197Gaina (Karoto Dialect)tongue[nunda] aβewahis tongue
55200Baruga (Bareji Dialect)tonguea'βeβatongue
55201Baruga (Mado Dialect)tonguea'βiβitongue
55203Baruga (Tafota Dialect)tonguea'βeβatongue
55204Baruga (Tafota Dialect)tongueaβeβatongue
55205Baruga (Tafota Dialect)tongueaβiβipoint, tip
55208Yegha (Korafe Dialect)tongueaβiβatongue
55209Yegha (Korafe Dialect)tonguea'βiβatongue
55210Korafe (Mokorua Dialect)tonguea'βiβatongue
55211Korafe (Rabade Dialect)tonguea'βiwatongue
55212Proto-Binanderetooth (front rather than molar)*di
55213Guhu-Samanetooth (front rather than molar)toomouth
55215Guhu-Samane (Tahari Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)dotooth
55219Suenatooth (front rather than molar)diteeth
55220Suena (Yema-Yarawe Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55221Yekoratooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55225Ziatooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55227Zia (Mawai Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55230Binanderetooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55231Binanderetooth (front rather than molar)'ditooth
55232Binandere (Ambasi Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55234Aekatooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55235Orokaiva (Dobuduru Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55236Orokaiva (Dobuduru Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55237Orokaiva (Jegarata-Kakendetta Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55238Orokaiva (Jegasa-Sarau Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55239Orokaiva (Kendata Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55240Orokaivatooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55242Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55243Hunjara-Kaina Ketooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55244Orokaiva (Sairope Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)titooth
55247Ewage-Notutooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55248Ewage-Notutooth (front rather than molar)[uso] dihis tooth
55249Yegha (Oukena Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)[uso] dihis tooth
55250Yegha (Yega Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)ditooth
55251Gaina (Bareji Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)di[ka]tooth