
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
77844Maybrat-amuohDol (2007)
259953Maria (Maranomu Dialect)arahahe-Dutton (1970)sew up
259952Doromu-Koki (Lofaika Dialect)bati-Dutton (1970)sew up
95801Proto-Kwalean*bibiE-Ross (2014)sew up
259954Uarebibi-#E-Dutton (1970)sew up
259956Humenebibi-ʒE-Dutton (1970)sew up
213918SombupmakSIL (1968)
78419SahudiniVisser & Voorhoeve (1987)
92272Borongeuŋme-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
78073West MakianfalaakiVoorhoeve (1982)
53668Ewage-NotugaiarishootSmallhorn (2011)
53663Binanderegaiarispear, scratch, write, prick, pierce, pound with pestleSmallhorn (2011)
92271Kombagare-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
92267Selepetgâre-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
148636Komba (Gwama River (South) Dialect)gâriapshe sewed itSouthwell (1976)she sewed it
148633Komba (Gwama River (North) Dialect)gâriapshe sewed itSouthwell (1976)she sewed it
148634Komba (Ândâ River Dialect)gâriapshe sewed itSouthwell (1976)she sewed it
148635Komba (Puleng River Dialect)gâriapshe sewed itSouthwell (1976)she sewed it
53661Proto-Binandere*gay-sew, spear, scratchSmallhorn (2011)
53662SuenagayaisewSmallhorn (2011)
53670Yegha (Korafe Dialect)ga'yarispear, pierce the flesh, pin, machine-sewSmallhorn (2011)
53669Baruga (Tafota Dialect)gayari [nãdari]hunting/fishing life (gae 'spear' and nãdi 'grab')Smallhorn (2011)
92274Mapegbâru-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
92276Kâtegbâtâ-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
92266Onogbetut-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
53681Baruga (Tafota Dialect)gẽbariwritingSmallhorn (2011)
53682Yegha (Korafe Dialect)gẽ'barito make a running stitch; to pole a canoe; to weave net, thatch roofing onto roof; to write, drawSmallhorn (2011)
53678Baruga (Tafota Dialect)gẽ'bari [ka'to]pencilSmallhorn (2011)
53679Baruga (Tafota Dialect)gẽbuwrite, draw; sew, stitch a running stitch, weave; pole a canoe forward; fold arms across one's chestSmallhorn (2011)
53672Binanderegegẽbu [ari]to twine around (of a snake or creeper)Smallhorn (2011)
53680Baruga (Tafota Dialect)geɸiwrite, draw; sew, stitch a running stitch, weave; pole a canoe forward; fold arms across one's chestSmallhorn (2011)
53671Proto-Nuclear-Binandere*gemb-sew, weaveSmallhorn (2011)
53677Baruga (Bareji Dialect)ge'mbari [ka'to]pencilSmallhorn (2011)
53656Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)hiresewSmallhorn (2011)
77573KlonhrotBaird (2008)
53658Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)[i]hirarisewSmallhorn (2011)
77618KlonilhrotBaird (2008)
53660Yegha (Korafe Dialect)ɸi'rarito lance wound; to sew up rip with string, etc.; to string fish on line or cane poleSmallhorn (2011)
53666Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)kajaripierceSmallhorn (2011)
53667Hunjara-Kaina Ke'kajesew, write, poke, scratch, spear (anything done with sharp implement)Smallhorn (2011)
53665Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)kaje-spearSmallhorn (2011)
53674Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)kẽb-weave, sew, writeSmallhorn (2011)
53673Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)kẽbarisewing a string bag, drawing on tapa clothSmallhorn (2011)
53675Orokaiva (Sose Dialect)keh-weave, sew, writeSmallhorn (2011)
77266Engakií pingíLang (1973)
53676Hunjara-Kaina Kekim'barisew (e.g. for making bilums)Smallhorn (2011)
92278Tobokpali-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
92269Deduakpebi-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
92277Kubekpewi-(she) sewsMcElhanon (1967)(she) sews
78646TidoremadinPikkert et al (1994)