230316 | Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect) | toro | | | Healey (1970) | |
155891 | Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect) | toro | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | ear |
17137 | Ipiko | tʰu′ | | | Franklin (1973) | |
237954 | Biwat | tuanhe | | | SIL (1975) | |
155904 | Telefol | tuluun | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | ear |
245167 | Biwat | tundu | | | SIL (1976) | |
230557 | Awyu, South (Yenimu Dialect) | turu | | | Healey (1970) | |
155892 | Awyu, South (Yenimu Dialect) | turu | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | ear |
229028 | Proto-Awyu-Dumut | *turun | | | Healey (1970) | |
229358 | Proto-Awyu | *turun | | | Healey (1970) | |
201843 | Proto-Awyu-Dumut | *turun | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
201660 | Proto-Awyu | *turun | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
201427 | Mandobo Atas (Yonggom Dialect) | turutop | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
155896 | Wambon | turutop | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | ear |
201749 | Proto-Dumut | *turutop | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
229545 | Proto-Dumut | *turu=top | | | Healey (1970) | |
231009 | Wambon | turu=top | | | Healey (1970) | |
191028 | Musak | tuwʌg | | | Z'graggen (1980) | ear |
207752 | Proto-Trans-New-Guinea | *tVmV(d) | | | Ross (2014) | ear |
163541 | Kyenele (Kyaimbarang Dialect) | 'twan | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | ear |
212668 | Rasawa | u-ɾa | | | Clouse (1997) | |
244959 | Chenapian | ugwabə | | | SIL (1983) | |
191031 | Biyom | ukwai | | | Z'graggen (1980) | ear |
237096 | Kanggape | ɣukwar | | | Foley (2005) | |
228879 | Unknown (possibly Konomala) | ul-tʌŋʌn | ul-tʌŋʌn kʌlɩgʌ | | SIL () | |
191021 | Anamgura | -ɣundegiwəpʌ | | | Z'graggen (1980) | ear |
5484 | Folopa (Bɔro Dialect) | usani | | | Macdonald (1973) | |
29723 | Elseng | uskŋs | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
49526 | Ewage-Notu | [uso] deŋgoro | his ear | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
49527 | Yegha (Oukena Dialect) | [uso] deŋgoro | his ear | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
75923 | Fataluku | valiku | | | Fataluku Language Project | |
256930 | Burui | waʔaʌ | | | SIL (1962) | |
244793 | Burui | waʔaʌ | | | SIL (1962) | |
202219 | Iatmul (Kanganaman Dialect) | waʔan | | | Staalsen (1969) | |
202352 | Iatmul (Korogo Dialect) | waʔan | | | Staalsen (1969) | |
202489 | Iatmul (Brugnowi Dialect) | waʔan | | | Staalsen (1969) | |
191032 | Tauya | waʔe | | | Z'graggen (1980) | ear |
29005 | Zorop | waigi | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
155982 | Nabak | wak | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | ear |
91411 | Nabak | wak- | (its) ear | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) ear |
75352 | Oirata | 'wali | | | Taber (1993) | |
237418 | Iatmul | wan | | | Foley (2005) | |
243361 | Yessan-Mayo (Warasai Dialect) | wan | | | Laycock (1968) | |
243360 | Yessan-Mayo | wan | | | Laycock (1968) | |
243366 | Ambulas | wan | | | Laycock (1968) | |
237724 | Yessan-Mayo | wan | | | Foley (2005) | |
237420 | Boikin | wan | | | Foley (2005) | |
237416 | Manambu | wan | | | Foley (2005) | |
237419 | Ambulas | wan | | | Foley (2005) | |
237417 | Proto-Ndu | *wan | | | Foley (2005) | |