Dutton, T.E., 2010. Reconstructing Proto Koiarian: The history of a Papuan language family, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
15413KoitabuOR PL in some verbsera-geve-see them
15414Grass KoiariOR PL in some verbsboko-gei|yahei-break them
15415Grass KoiariOR PL in some verbsere-gei|yahei-see them
15416Mountain KoiariOR PL in some verbsua-geve-bite them
15417Mountain KoiariOR PL in some verbsele-geve-see them
15418Proto-KoiariacOR SG in some verbs*-ɣa
15419KoitabuOR SG in some verbsera-ɣa-see it
15420KoitabuOR SG in some verbsboko-ɣabreak it
15421Grass KoiariOR SG in some verbsere-va-see it
15422Grass KoiariOR SG in some verbsboko-va-break it
15423Mountain KoiariOR SG in some verbsele-ha-see it
15424Mountain KoiariOR SG in some verbsua-ha-bite it
15425Proto-Koiariacto climb*ɣadi-to ascend
15426Koitabuto climbɣadi-va-ascend, go up
15427Grass Koiarito climbvadi-maascend, go up
15428Mountain Koiarito climbvati-ascend, go up
15429Proto-Koiariacto cook*amufa-cook (in ground on hot stones), mumu
15430Koitabuto cookamuha-cook in ground, mumu
15431Grass Koiarito cookamuha-cook in ground, mumu
15432Mountain Koiarito cookamuva-make a mumu
15433Proto-Koiariactransitive verb forming suffix, causative*-ɣaf(a,o)
15434Koitabutransitive verb forming suffix, causative-ɣahatransitive verb forming suffix, causative
15435Grass Koiaritransitive verb forming suffix, causative-vahatransitive verb forming suffix, causative
15436Mountain Koiaritransitive verb forming suffix, causative-havotransitive verb forming suffix, causative
15437Proto-Koiariacto hit*ɣama-
15438Koitabuto hitɣama-hit
15439Grass Koiarito hitvama-hit
15440Mountain Koiarito hithama-hit
15441Proto-Koiariacto return*ɣoira-ɣa-
15442Koitabuto returnɣoira-ɣi (oroɣonu)return (lit. turn around [and come])
15443Grass Koiarito returnvoira-vi (orovonu)return (lit. turn around [and come])
15444Mountain Koiarito returnhoila-ha-return
15446Koitaburopeɣotestring, rope
15447Grass Koiariropevotevine, string, rope
15448Mountain Koiariropehotevine, rope
15450Koitaburoad/pathɣumapath, road
15451Grass Koiariroad/pathumapath, road
15452Mountain Koiariroad/pathhuma|hapath, road
15455Grass Koiariwhitekae|kaewhite
15456Mountain Koiariwhitetae|tewhite
15459Koitaburawisaɣeuncooked, raw, young
15460Grass Koiarirawisasauncooked, raw, new
15461Mountain Koiarirawisateuncooked
15462Mountain Koiarinewisahetegreen wood, young person