ISO 639:
Dutton (2010)
Ross (2014)
ID | Word | Entry | Annotation | Loan | Source | Source Gloss |
15552 | also | *-taɣe | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15549 | and | *-ta...-ta | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15611 | ashes | *utuɣu | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15403 | back (of hand) | *foto | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15535 | because | *-ru | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15541 | before | *subuta | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15341 | big | *barug(e,a) | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15489 | boy | *mo | boy, male child | | Dutton (2010) | |
15640 | butterfly | *avako | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15618 | Cordyline sp. | *vabe | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15572 | dog | *to | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15485 | eel | *mina[ma] | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15577 | full | *tobo | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15629 | ground | *vata | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15481 | ground | *matama | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15375 | hawk | *duna | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15463 | head | *kina | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15337 | hole | *aba | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15615 | how much? | *va[e]futi | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15359 | I (pronoun d:1s) | *da | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15499 | like, similar | *naɣate | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15556 | man | *ata | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15600 | Medial Verb Suffix | *-ata | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15670 | middle, tongue | *neme | middle, tongue | | Dutton (2010) | |
15344 | moon | *bata | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15604 | mosquito | *un(a,u) | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15503 | mother | *neina | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15367 | navel | *demodo | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15581 | neck | *tu | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15457 | new | *isa | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15636 | no, not | *vefite | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15470 | old woman | *mabata | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15607 | only | *unaɣe | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15411 | OR PL in some verbs | *-geve | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15418 | OR SG in some verbs | *-ɣa | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15496 | pawpaw | *(n,m)itani | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15520 | pig | *ofo | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15658 | predicative possessive suffix | *-ye | Predictive possessive suffix | | Dutton (2010) | |
15538 | quickly | *soreka | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15560 | raised land, ridge | *tana | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15449 | road/path | *ɣuma | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15596 | root | *umu-ka | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15445 | rope | *ɣote | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15662 | shoulder | *bag(u,i,o) | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15564 | sibling, opposite sex, older | *tata | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15400 | side | *faki | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15654 | string bag | *yaɣa | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15625 | sun | *vani | sun, day | | Dutton (2010) | |
15545 | tail | *(t,d)ete | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15387 | that | *eke | | | Dutton (2010) | |