73806 | Inoke-Yate | 0- | | | Scott (1978) | |
73805 | Yagaria | a'- | | | Scott (1978) | |
73796 | Fore | á:' | | | Scott (1978) | |
52686 | Orokaiva (Sose Dialect) | ãbu | without, negative opposite | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
931 | Purari | aiʔi² | | | Franklin (1973) | |
28558 | Tabo | akatoale | | | Reesink (1976) | |
238068 | Biwat | aketi | | | SIL (1975) | |
231660 | Ura | ɣaku | | | SIL (1975) | |
6065 | Onabasulu | -ale | | | Shaw (1973) | |
221155 | Tokano | am | | | SIL (1965) | |
234528 | Alekano | am | prefix or suffix? | | SIL (1965) | |
73798 | Alekano | -am | | | Scott (1978) | |
234358 | Alekano (Wanima Dialect) | -am | verb suffix | | SIL (1962) | |
234005 | Alekano (Wanima Dialect) | -am | verb suffix | | SIL (1975) | |
218853 | Yaweyuha | -am | | | SIL (1965) | |
73804 | Yaweyuha | -am | | | Scott (1978) | |
73802 | Siane | -ám | | | Scott (1978) | |
52680 | Guhu-Samane | -ama | 'without', not | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
2171 | Pare | amale | | | Shaw (1973) | |
16070 | Pare | amale | | | Shaw (1986) | |
52679 | Proto-Binandere | *ambu | | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
52684 | Suena | amu | un- | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
165179 | Kobon | -aŋ- infix | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | not |
165178 | Banaro | a... (se)řaŋ | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | not |
52685 | Zia | ãũ | none | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
165191 | Haruai (Wiyaw Dialect) | aun wu'hʌr̥ɨla | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | not |
165180 | Kyenele (Kyaimbarang Dialect) | aβa məməɽə'sewa | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | not |
14788 | Barai (South Dialect) | ba | not | | Dutton (2010) | |
14787 | Barai (North Dialect) | ba | not | | Dutton (2010) | |
202750 | Setaman (Seltamin Dialect) | bajo | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |
14785 | Mountain Koiari | be | strong negative | | Dutton (2010) | |
14781 | Proto-Koiarian | *bé | | | Dutton (2010) | |
14783 | Grass Koiari | be|be | not, no | | Dutton (2010) | |
14782 | Koitabu | be|ta | not, no | | Dutton (2010) | |
6269 | Ekari (Paniai Lake Dialect) | beu | not, no | | Larson & Larson (1972) | not, no |
31508 | Northeast Kiwai (Gibaio Dialect) | biʌ | | | Wurm (1973) | |
3015 | Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect) | bia | | | Wurm (1973) | |
1031 | Northeast Kiwai (Urama Dialect) | bia | | | Wurm (1973) | |
17320 | Northeast Kiwai (Arigibi Dialect) | 'bía | | | Wurm (1973) | |
3544 | Morigi | biahai | | | Wurm (1973) | |
6894 | Kerewo | biahai | | | Wurm (1973) | |
27647 | Mubami | bialɛ | | | Reesink (1976) | |
91181 | Timbe | bo | not | | McElhanon (1967) | not |
202749 | Setaman (Seltamin Dialect) | bɑʔo | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |
14786 | Ömie | bô|gô | not | | Dutton (2010) | |
30220 | Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect) | boxoda | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
29149 | Yaqay | bVrakaV | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
86293 | Mailu (Asiaoro Dialect) | da | | | Thomson (1975) | |
86841 | Mailu (Island Dialect) | da | | | Thomson (1975) | |
88211 | Mailu (Delebai Dialect) | da | | | Thomson (1975) | |