
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
25293WolanineninaVoorhoeve (1975)
6101Wolani (Upper Mbijandoga Dialect)neninagive meLarson & Larson (1972)give me
232051DaganɛniwanSIL (1965)
22564KauweranericVoorhoeve (1975)
228383Abu' ArapeshnešɛʔiweSIL (1975)
35656Wersingn'ɛtα mee wαgαn'irI give himStokhof (1975)
17810GobasinewaľuShaw (1986)
22116SuabonewebeVoorhoeve (1975)
16248Odoodee (Kalamo Dialect)neyeShaw (1986)
17710Gobasi (Honibo Dialect)neyeShaw (1986)
80933Angalngeto first personFranklin (1975)
233238Mali (Makunga Dialect)ŋɛƀɔnǥoSIL (1985)
194680Mumŋgo-Z'graggen (1980)give
194685Wadaginam-ŋgu-(sg)Z'graggen (1980)give
262367SamberigingiFranklin (2024)he gives me
262370SamberigingiFranklin (2024)he gives me
80936Hulingíto first personFranklin (1975)
246114Qagetŋiurʌ ŋuʌSIL (1971)
36476Kulaŋαm'iwɛg''αniI give himStokhof (1975)
163979Pinai-Hagahai (Wakadadap Dialect)ni'gan ə'ɽaDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
148917Komba (Ândâ River Dialect)nigaphe gave meSouthwell (1976)he gave me
148964Komba (Puleng River Dialect)nigaphe gave meSouthwell (1976)he gave me
148824Komba (Gwama River (North) Dialect)nigiaphe gave meSouthwell (1976)he gave me
90703Kombanih-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
90699Selepetnihi-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
27682Tabonikanamɛgive (to me)Reesink (1976)give (to me)
1649TabonikanamɛWurm (1973)
234094Alekano (Kotuni Dialect)nimimo neveSIL (1975)
73046Yaweyuha(ni)m(iye)giveScott (1978)
212840AwanímiyeSIL (1976)
220895YaweyuhanimizeSIL (1965)
90698Ononin-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
22357MoninindiyaVoorhoeve (1975)
163983Haruai (Wiyaw Dialect)nineDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
90705Timbeniŋ-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
90707Somba-Siawari (Burum Dialect)niŋgi-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
90702Somba-Siawari (Mindik Dialect)niŋgi-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
148870Komba (Gwama River (South) Dialect)niyaphe gave meSouthwell (1976)he gave me
21475MororinjimVoorhoeve (1975)
225328Bine (Drageli Dialect)nɑkɑřinigeFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
163976Lembena (Maibi Dialect)nɩmˌbaɽəɲ'd̮ʑaDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
15744TainaenɨminɨmdandaLloyd (1973)
73047Yagaria(no'a)mí(e)giveScott (1978)
226708Wipi (Guiam Dialect)nokauFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227358Wipi (Wonie Dialect)nɔkʰaːuFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226319Wipi (Ume Dialect)nokwauFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
32150Sianeno maiyeSIL (1987)
27485Mubaminomonaigive (to me)Reesink (1976)give (to me)
90704Borongnon-(he) gives meMcElhanon (1967)(he) gives me
221004TokanononimiƀeSIL (1965)