
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
227118Wipi (Kuru Dialect)tʰon ɛkɛñiñFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227119Wipi (Kuru Dialect)yindəñFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226460Wipi (Peawa Dialect)ton yiːndžFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227495Wipi (Podari Dialect)yiːndžFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226365Wipi (Ume Dialect)ton yindžəFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226661Wipi (Wipim Dialect)yətFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227402Wipi (Wonie Dialect)yindžFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227310Wipi (Zim Dialect)otaiya yindeňFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
2247Wiruwa okoFranklin (1973)
1547Yagwoiat̲aatanaLloyd (1973)
26979Yali, Anggurukkele inmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)speak! (2s)
29156Yaqaytumi paksayVoorhoeve (1971)
220422Yaqay (Kogo Dialect)tumiˈjorbɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
222825Yaqay (Kotup Dialect)kɑbɑxKriens & Lebold (2010)
223001Yaqay (Rayam Dialect)tumɛʔKriens & Lebold (2010)
223208Yaqay (Wairu Dialect)kɑˈbɑxKriens & Lebold (2010)
223429Yaqay (Wanggate Dialect)kɑˈbɑxɑ̥Kriens & Lebold (2010)
54307Yegha (Ambe-Dofo Dialect)espeak, saySmallhorn (2011)
54313Yegha (Korafe Dialect)sarisay, speakSmallhorn (2011)
54314Yegha (Korafe Dialect)'sarisay, talk, speakSmallhorn (2011)
54308Yegha (Yega Dialect)segaispeakSmallhorn (2011)
54290YekoraenusaySmallhorn (2011)
54292Ziasaosay, speakSmallhorn (2011)
54293Ziasesiahe saidSmallhorn (2011)
54291Zia[ji] saoto crySmallhorn (2011)
31048Zimakaniḳɑi̯ gi-Voorhoeve (1970)