Z'graggen, J.A., 1980. A comparative word list of the Northern Adelbert Range Languages, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
146721Mauwaketo plantupplant V
146722Bepourto plantipplant V
146723Moereto plantmpuplant V
146724Kowakito plantopplant V
146725Pamosuto plantupplant V
146726Musarto plantumbplant V
146727Wanambreto plantupplant V
146728Kobolto plantubplant V
146729Palto plantpiplant V
146730Usanto plantubplant V
146731Yabento plantubplant V
146732Yarawatato plantʌri-plant V
146733Bilakurato plantplant V
146734Parawento plantar(iw)-plant V
146735Ukurigumato plantuwplant V
146736Amaimonto plantɛr-plant V
146737Amaimonto plantsʌki-plant V
146738Bargamto buy, sell, barterzay-buy
146739Gavakto buy, sell, barterdⁱraw-buy
146740Malasto buy, sell, barterzinso-buy
146741Bremto buy, sell, barterzɛzaw-buy
146742Korakto buy, sell, barterdida-buy
146743Waskiato buy, sell, barterdiʌ-buy
146744Malato buy, sell, bartertabul-buy
146745Maia (Pila Dialect)to buy, sell, bartertambu-buy
146746Maia (Saki Dialect)to buy, sell, bartertaboera-buy
146747Mianito buy, sell, bartersʌsʌn-buy
146748Mianito buy, sell, bartertabur-buy
146749Mauwaketo buy, sell, bartersɛsɛnar-buy
146750Bepourto buy, sell, bartersɛsɛw-buy
146751Kowakito buy, sell, barterpaimar-buy
146752Mawakto buy, sell, bartersɛsanar-buy
146753Wanambreto buy, sell, barterluk-buy
146754Kobolto buy, sell, barterɛbɛ-buy
146755Palto buy, sell, barterwiG-buy
146756Yabento buy, sell, barterbaʔa-buy
146757Yarawatato buy, sell, barteri-buy
146758Yarawatato buy, sell, barteru-buy
146759Bilakurato buy, sell, barterbakw-buy
146760Ukurigumato buy, sell, barteri-buy
146761Ukurigumato buy, sell, barterwa-buy
146762Ukurigumato buy, sell, barterin-buy
146763Amaimonto buy, sell, barterisikʌl-buy