
Glottocode: cent2118
ISO 639: awu

Sources: Kriens & Lebold (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Greater Awyu, Awyu-Dumut, Awyu, Mappi-Digul Awyu



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
219899to giveˈkuroKriens & Lebold (2010)
219901to gonoˈxoiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219871to hearˈdɑgɪKriens & Lebold (2010)
219909to hituɸɪnɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219887to hold (in hand)ˈneɾiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219897to killnuwɑneKriens & Lebold (2010)
219872to know (facts)nɑˈɸɑmoɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219902to laughgogoˈmoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219903to laughɑbgigiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219682tongueˈɸɑgɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219683tongueˈfɑgɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219882to runˈbundi nɑɣɑɪ̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
219886to scratch (as with fingernails to relieve itch)ɑˈɣiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219870to seeɸiˈtoɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219911to shoottiɸinɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219877to sitbɑˈxɑɪ̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
219876to sleepkunuɑˈjɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219873to speakoboˈjoɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219888to splitˈwɑɣɑnuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219891to stab (or stick)nuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219880to standˈmisinɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219883to swimˈtɑmu ˈnɑɣɑɪ̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
219889to tienɑɾɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219878to wake updotəˈnoɣɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219881to walkˈnɑɣɑɪ̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
219885to washˈsusunuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219741treedɛpɑɣɑi̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
219844twentyɑxugub isiˈgɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219834twoˈokumɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219684upper armbeˈroKriens & Lebold (2010)
219699urineiːʔKriens & Lebold (2010)
219797villageˈbusuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219774waterˈoɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219860wetˈsoɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219918what?ˈmɛmoɣɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219920when?dɛsɯmɑriKriens & Lebold (2010)
219919where?mɛmɑˈkiriKriens & Lebold (2010)
219828whitehɑˈjoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219917who?gutɑmiˈnoːsiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219921why?gutɑˈmɛmohoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219705wifenɑɑmoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219706wifenɑhɑmoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219784windˈmomoɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219720wingtɑɸiˈjoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219703womanɑ̃Kriens & Lebold (2010)
219731wormˈkɑmbuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219830yellowˈtijɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219850youngsuˈbɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219714younger brothernʊkurɑ ˈbesiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219713younger sisternʊˈkurɑ ˈɑ̃Kriens & Lebold (2010)