ID | Language | Entry | Annotation | Loan | Source | Source Gloss |
262875 | Puragi | ɾaiɾaɾiaβɛ | de Vries (2024) | to | ||
262873 | Duriankere | ɔpɔ | de Vries (2024) | to | ||
262872 | Suabo | ɔpɔ | de Vries (2024) | to | ||
262876 | Kaburi (Kambor Dialect) | uape | de Vries (2024) | to | ||
262874 | Kais | ukaɡe | de Vries (2024) | to | ||
262877 | Kokoda (Kasueri Dialect) | upape | de Vries (2024) | to | ||
262878 | Kemberamo (Kalitami Dialect) | uwka | Onin Tibatibananam has áwka ‘to bathe’ (Donohue 2019). Kemberano has the loan uwka in the Weriagar variety (Voorhoeve 1985), with the same /wk/ cluster which is adapted in Kais and in Kemberano Kalitami to uka (Berry and Berry 1987). The suffixes -ge, βɛ and -pe are imperative markers. The Kaburi stem ua has solved the CC cluster by deleting the whole cluster. The Kokoda stem upa and the Inanwatan opo may well be other forms of the Onin loan rather than cognates bathe | x | de Vries (2024) | to |
7 Lexical Items