
Glottocode: kubo1242
ISO 639: jko

Sources: McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) , Shaw (1973) & Shaw (1986)

Classification: East Strickland, Kubo-Samo-Bibo



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
7166skinkɔlɔShaw (1986)
5725smallfa̧fiShaw (1973)
7197smallfãfiShaw (1986)
5712smoke (of fire)daha̧i̧Shaw (1973)
156539smoke (of fire)dahãiMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)smoke
7184smoke (of fire)dʌhaīShaw (1986)
156337spittlemahãũMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)spittle
7174stargɔsɔmoiShaw (1986)
5702stargosomoiShaw (1973)
156976stargɔsɔmuyMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)star
5708stoneyoShaw (1973)
7180stoneShaw (1986)
7245string bagedɔShaw (1986)
5700suno̧so̧Shaw (1973)
7172sunōsōShaw (1986)
158877sunãsãMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)sun
5719tailhobeShaw (1973)
7191tailsɔ hɔbeShaw (1986)
7232thatkaShaw (1986)
5760thatkaShaw (1973)
7231thiskeShaw (1986)
5759thiskeShaw (1973)
5677thouno̧Shaw (1973)
5751to bitegaaiyoShaw (1973)
7223to bitega:iɔShaw (1986)
5756to burn (intrans.)hobeyotoiyoShaw (1973)
7228to burn (intrans.)hɔbeɔtɔiɔShaw (1986)
160405to burn (intrans.)siMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-burn
5749to comehogwaiyoShaw (1973)
7221to comehɔgwaiɔShaw (1986)
5773to dietoiyodiesShaw (1973)dies
5738to drinkhwi̧ naiyoShaw (1973)
5737to eatnaiyoShaw (1973)
157215to eatnaMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-eat
7209to eatnaiɔShaw (1986)
7222to flyfuɔyɔ̃iɔfliesShaw (1986)flies
5750to flyfuwoyo̧iyofliesShaw (1973)flies
5743to givea̧ neiyoShaw (1973)
7215to giveneiɔShaw (1986)
7219to hearduiɔShaw (1986)
5747to hearduiyoShaw (1973)
5764to killtoiyokillsShaw (1973)kills
7236to killtoiɔkillsShaw (1986)kills
7235to know (facts)tɔwãiɔShaw (1986)
5763to know (facts)towa̧iyoknowsShaw (1973)knows
7217to lie downtiadiɔShaw (1986)
5745to lie downti̧ya̧diyoShaw (1973)
154846tongueiMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)tongue
5686tongueiShaw (1973)
7158tonguei:Shaw (1986)