
Glottocode: kubo1242
ISO 639: jko

Sources: McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) , Shaw (1973) & Shaw (1986)

Classification: East Strickland, Kubo-Samo-Bibo



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
7151all (of a number)gōgōShaw (1986)
5679all (of a number)go̧go̧Shaw (1973)
5689armdobogoarmShaw (1973)arm
7161armdɔbɔgɔarmShaw (1986)arm
160299armdebeMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)arm
159770ashesdasuMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)ashes
5713ashesdasagoShaw (1973)
7185ashesdasʌgɔShaw (1986)
7170back (body part)sãgiShaw (1986)
7240bananae:Shaw (1986)
5717bark (of tree)biyoShaw (1973)
7189bark (of tree)biɔShaw (1986)
5691bellygosiyoShaw (1973)
7163bellygɔsiɔShaw (1986)
7196bigkauShaw (1986)
5724bigkauShaw (1973)
7192birdsiuShaw (1986)
5720birdsiyuShaw (1973)
5730blackbowogoShaw (1973)
7202blackbuwɔkɔShaw (1986)
7167bloodayoShaw (1986)
5695bloodayoShaw (1973)
7169bonedioShaw (1986)
5697bonediyoShaw (1973)
159458bonedioMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)bone
155055bonediuMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)bone
7162breastbuShaw (1986)
5690breastbuShaw (1973)
158573breastbuMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)breast
7210cassowarydiuɔShaw (1986)
7241clawsiu kaiShaw (1986)
5769clawkaiShaw (1973)
5703cloudogabiShaw (1973)
7175cloudɔgabiShaw (1986)
7206cold (weather)Shaw (1986)
5734cold (weather)ti̧Shaw (1973)
7190dogShaw (1986)
159898dogMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)dog
5718dogsoShaw (1973)
5753dry (be dry)hafo̧doShaw (1973)
7156earduShaw (1986)
5684earduShaw (1973)
155910earduwëwMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)ear
7194eggsiu hoShaw (1986)
5722egghooShaw (1973)
7154eyedihōShaw (1986)
5682eyediho̧Shaw (1973)
156864eyediəhãMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)eye
7168fatsofefatShaw (1986)fat
5696fatsofefatShaw (1973)fat