175797 | Waube | nay | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
197984 | Yetfa | ndaA | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
31327 | Tairora, South | ndo | | | SIL (1976) | |
138828 | Amaimon | ne | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
30471 | Zimakani (South Boazi Dialect) | ne | | | Voorhoeve (1970) | |
33454 | Zimakani | nea | | | Voorhoeve (1970) | |
37945 | Kamang (Pido 2 Dialect) | n'ɛaʔ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
261617 | Kunimaipa | nei | None | | Strong (1912) | mother |
52220 | Yegha (Korafe Dialect) | ['ne]i | your mother (possessive referential term) | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
202790 | Setaman (Ngisokabip Dialect) | nein | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |
202646 | Setaman (Seltamin Dialect) | nein | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |
15507 | Mountain Koiari | neina | mother | | Dutton (2010) | |
15504 | Koitabu | neina | mother | | Dutton (2010) | |
15503 | Proto-Koiariac | *neina | | | Dutton (2010) | |
15506 | Grass Koiari | neina-ka | mother | | Dutton (2010) | |
203042 | Faiwol (Selbang Dialect) | neinip | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |
242994 | Dia | nəki | | | Laycock (1968) | |
18039 | Edolo | nɛme | | | Shaw (1986) | |
245516 | Gaikundi | ñəmɛ | | | SIL (1991) | |
242990 | Yis | nəmo | | | Laycock (1968) | |
119138 | Yoidik | nen | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
202905 | Setaman (Baktamin Dialect) | nen | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |
138784 | Bargam | -nen | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
119155 | Nobonob | nɛn | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
138801 | Mauwake | nene | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
154742 | Faiwol (Kauwol Dialect) | neŋ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154737 | Ninggerum | neŋ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
240862 | Angoram (Magendo Dialect) | ˈnəŋe | | | Abbott (1985) | |
154818 | Migabac | neŋgaʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154819 | Momare | neŋgaʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
218297 | Migabac | neŋgac | | | SIL (1975) | |
92255 | Dedua | neŋgak- | (his) mother | | McElhanon (1967) | (his) mother |
92263 | Kube | neŋge- | (his) mother | | McElhanon (1967) | (his) mother |
154811 | Kube | neŋgia | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154823 | Kâte (Wemo Dialect) | neŋgoʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154824 | Mape (Naga Dialect) | neŋgoʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154822 | Kâte (Wâmora Dialect) | neŋgoʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154820 | Sene | neŋgoʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
154821 | Kâte (Mâgobineng Dialect) | neŋgoʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | mother |
92262 | Kâte | neŋgoc- | (his) mother | | McElhanon (1967) | (his) mother |
73766 | Kamano | (né)rera | | | Scott (1978) | |
243018 | Wogamusin | nesa | | | Laycock (1968) | |
38297 | Kamang (Letley Dialect) | n'eykul | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
38179 | Kamang (Pido 1 Dialect) | n'ɛα | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
175778 | Pulabu | ŋa | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
7839 | Murik | ŋai | | | Foley (1986) | |
175794 | Ogea | ŋai | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
240588 | Murik (Karau Dialect) | ˈŋain | | | Abbott (1985) | |
190490 | Atemble | ŋam | | | Z'graggen (1980) | mother |
243011 | Awtuw | ŋami | | | Laycock (1968) | |