148680 | Komba (Gwama River (South) Dialect) | sâmot | | | Southwell (1976) | hair |
148677 | Komba (Gwama River (North) Dialect) | sâmot | | | Southwell (1976) | hair |
148678 | Komba (Ândâ River Dialect) | sâmot | | | Southwell (1976) | hair |
148679 | Komba (Puleng River Dialect) | sâmot | | | Southwell (1976) | hair |
90941 | Komba | sâmot- | (its) hair | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) hair |
198689 | Nakame (Sikalan Dialect) | sap | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
177757 | Sop | sara | | | Z'graggen (1980) | hair |
140740 | Gavak | saːrip | | | Z'graggen (1980) | hair |
140770 | Amaimon | sawar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | hair |
156278 | Finongan | sesaʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
72 | Pawaia | sị | | | Trefry (1969) | |
197781 | Nagatiman | ʌsʌǏahuᵽa | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
156315 | Mape (East Dialect) | siki | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
228514 | Seta | sila batalayo | | | SIL (2000) | |
22239 | Konda | sinamu | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
50885 | Hunjara-Kaina Ke | [siru] hu | hair | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
50878 | Orokaiva (Jegasa-Sarau Dialect) | [siru-]tu | hair | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
257015 | Magɨ | sisi | | | Daniels (2016) | |
75672 | Savosavo | sivuɰa | also means fur and feathers | | Wegener (2011) | |
200143 | Nek (Goambot Dialect) | sɑk | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
156298 | Komba | sʌmot | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
3868 | Bamu | sobo | | | Wurm (1973) | |
5267 | Bamu (Sisiame Dialect) | sobo | | | Wurm (1973) | |
156309 | Sene | sɔkɔdiʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
156297 | Selepet | somot | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
90937 | Selepet | somot- | (its) hair | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) hair |
200346 | Uri (Sintogoro Dialect) | sɨsɑ | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
200256 | Uri (Siara Dialect) | sʌsɑʔ | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
156279 | Mungkip | sɨsa | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
198570 | Mungkip | sɪsa | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
156277 | Uri | sʌsaʔ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | hair |
19554 | Kapauri | su | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
50853 | Guhu-Samane | suu | hair | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
23803 | Wutung | ta | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
28833 | Awyi | ta | body hair | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
29491 | Manem | ta | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
30670 | Skou | ta | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
19030 | Awyi | ta | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
19188 | Manem | ta | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
23763 | Skou | ta | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
24900 | Sikaritai | tad | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
212652 | Duvle | tæɾi | | | Clouse (1997) | |
23014 | Yaqay | taker | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
29126 | Yaqay | taker | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
212648 | Kirikiri (Faia Dialect) | ta-kɾu | | | Clouse (1997) | |
212649 | Kirikiri | ta-kɾu^ | | | Clouse (1997) | |
23294 | Diebroud (Taworta Dialect) | tali | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
50895 | Gaina | ['tamo] 'tu[ka] | body hair | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
50905 | Baruga (Tafota Dialect) | [tamo] tutu | fur, body hair | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
50900 | Baruga (Bareji Dialect) | [tamo] tutu | body hair | | Smallhorn (2011) | |