
Glottocode: manu1261
ISO 639:

Sources: Ross (2014)

Classification: Trans-New Guinea, Southeast Papuan, Manubaran


Location Not Stored


IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
207997skin*roʔ(o,a)Ross (2014)skin
209266sky*gureRoss (2014)sky
207767small*keikaRoss (2014)small
209764smoke (of fire)*irokaRoss (2014)smoke
209027snake*arumaRoss (2014)snake
206838sole (of foot)*rafoRoss (2014)sole
208664sore, wound*aiTuRoss (2014)sore
208748star*iaRoss (2014)star
209130sugarcane*arefaRoss (2014)sugarcane
208775sun*maida(ka)Ross (2014)sun
206623tail*wiRoss (2014)(dog) tail
208712they (pronoun d:3p)*ina+PLRoss (2014)D:3P
207153thigh*vaDe-maRoss (2014)thigh
95944this*mironaRoss (2014)this (further)
95938this*miʔinaRoss (2014)this (close)
95935this*muʔunaRoss (2014)this (close)
96134to be hungry*raunare-Ross (2014)hungry
209079to bite*akire-Ross (2014)bite
208571to blow (wind)*baeRoss (2014)(wind) blow
206678to blow (wind)*fure-Ross (2014)(wind) blow
95506to break*oda-Ross (2014)break (s.t.)
95509to break*[mo]urokireRoss (2014)break (s.t.)
207496to break*nokV-Ross (2014)break (wood)
207259to burn (intrans.)*ori-Ross (2014)burn (sg)
95655to bury*vahi-Ross (2014)bury
208829to carry*uvakaiRoss (2014)carry (on shoulder)
208275to chop, cut down*nu-Ross (2014)chop
206927to come*bae-Ross (2014)come
208113to cry*isakane-Ross (2014)weep
209970to cut*nuga[re]-Ross (2014)cut (rope)
208699today*guaRoss (2014)today
95645to dig*goʔe-Ross (2014)make hole in ground
209599to dream*yadukaRoss (2014)dream (V)
208706to drink*iri-Ross (2014)drink
209556to eat*iri-Ross (2014)eat
95490to fall (drop rather than topple)*ode-Ross (2014)fall (from standing)
209328to fall (drop rather than topple)*Rare-Ross (2014)fall from height
95306to go down*ne-Ross (2014)go down (mountain)
95314to go up*bo(i)-Ross (2014)go up (mountain)
208020to hear*ne(i)deRoss (2014)hear
206670to hit*u-Ross (2014)hit
209468to kill*imi-Ross (2014)kill (pig)
207117to laugh*yogani-Ross (2014)laugh
207493tongue*afieRoss (2014)tongue
209288tooth (front rather than molar)*gadeRoss (2014)tooth
206846to scratch (as with fingernails to relieve itch)*ʔika-Ross (2014)scratch (skin)
95425to sing*yau(ka)Ross (2014)singsing (v)
208340to sleep*-vareRoss (2014)sleep
209331to smell (something)*sau(ri)-Ross (2014)smell (sg)
95847to stand*ʔaʔuRoss (2014)stand (s.t.) up