
Glottocode: moun1252
ISO 639: kpx

Sources: Dutton (2010)

Classification: Koiarian, Koiaric, Biage-Mountain Koiali



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
15362I (pronoun d:1s)daIDutton (2010)
14884leafvanaleafDutton (2010)
15502like, similarnahatelike, similarDutton (2010)
14898Locative noun suffix (at, to, from)-veat, toDutton (2010)
14899Locative noun suffix (at, to, from)-feat, toDutton (2010)
14857longege|tanalongDutton (2010)
14858longege|ato be longDutton (2010)
14751louseumulouseDutton (2010)
15559manataperson, peopleDutton (2010)
15603Medial Verb Suffix-atamedial verb suffixDutton (2010)
14924Medial Verb Suffix DS-gemedial verb suffix DS, 'whenDutton (2010)
15347moonbatamoonDutton (2010)
15606mosquitounu|kugnatDutton (2010)
15507motherneinamotherDutton (2010)
15015nameivinameDutton (2010)
15371naveldemodonavelDutton (2010)
15583necktunape of neckDutton (2010)
15270neckenoneck (front)Dutton (2010)
15462newisahetegreen wood, young personDutton (2010)
14662nightvavinightDutton (2010)
15639no, not(moaga) vesitenot (much)Dutton (2010)
14635noseulinoseDutton (2010)
14785notbestrong negativeDutton (2010)
15096oldmamiold (of things only)Dutton (2010)
15473old womanmabataold womanDutton (2010)
15006oneigaeoneDutton (2010)
15610onlyunahaonlyDutton (2010)
15416OR PL in some verbsua-geve-bite themDutton (2010)
15417OR PL in some verbsele-geve-see themDutton (2010)
15423OR SG in some verbsele-ha-see itDutton (2010)
15424OR SG in some verbsua-ha-bite itDutton (2010)
15498pawpawmitanipawpawDutton (2010)
14697penisvevupenisDutton (2010)
15523pigovopigDutton (2010)
14621PL suffix on kinship nouns-uvupl suffix on kinship nounsDutton (2010)
15661predicative possessive suffix-lePredictive possessive suffixDutton (2010)
15540quicklysolekaquick(ly), fastDutton (2010)
15563raised land, ridgetanamountainDutton (2010)
15461rawisateuncookedDutton (2010)
14766ripebae|ato be ripe, ready to pickDutton (2010)
15452road/pathhuma|hapath, roadDutton (2010)
15599rootumu-karoot, base (of tree)Dutton (2010)
15448ropehotevine, ropeDutton (2010)
15665shoulderbegoshoulderDutton (2010)
15567sibling, opposite sex, oldertatasibling, opposite sex, older, elder sisterDutton (2010)
15197sibling, same sex, olderamakinasibling, same sex, olderDutton (2010)
14969sibling, same sex, youngerhohosibling, same sex, youngerDutton (2010)
15402sidevakisideDutton (2010)
14687skinvateskinDutton (2010)
14861smallese-vesmallDutton (2010)