
Glottocode: gras1249
ISO 639: kbk

Sources: Dutton (2010)

Classification: Koiarian, Koiaric, Koita-Koiari



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
14638to plantva-plantDutton (2010)
15406top (of foot)(vahi) hoto-katop (of foot)Dutton (2010)
15357to pullbut-va-pullDutton (2010)
14709to rainvenirainDutton (2010)
15443to returnvoira-vi (orovonu)return (lit. turn around [and come])Dutton (2010)
15245to sayroi-speakDutton (2010)
15303to scratch (as with fingernails to relieve itch)tuma-scratch (skin)Dutton (2010)
15398to seeere-va-seeDutton (2010)
15590to sitgura-ma-sit downDutton (2010)
15120to sneezeakisi-va-nusneezeDutton (2010)
14801to spearbi-spear (v), kill (by spearing), stabDutton (2010)
15648to spin, twirlto|viri|viricar, truckDutton (2010)
15223to standra-mi-stand (sg subj)Dutton (2010)
14757to standuri-va-get up, stand up, ariseDutton (2010)
15586to stayu-stay, be in a place, live, remainDutton (2010)
14956to stopvare-me-leave (depart), leave off, stop (doing stg)Dutton (2010)
14872to swimetova-swimDutton (2010)
14978to thinkvuvu-thinkDutton (2010)
15645to urinateveu-va-urinateDutton (2010)
15385to vomitedo-va-vomitDutton (2010)
14847to (2010)
14851to washiagu-wash (oneself), batheDutton (2010)
15435transitive verb forming suffix, causative-vahatransitive verb forming suffix, causativeDutton (2010)
14998treeiditree, stick, wood, pole, logDutton (2010)
15381twoabutitwoDutton (2010)
14691vaginavevaginaDutton (2010)
15514verb suffix, past tense SG-nuverb suffix, past tense sgDutton (2010)
15468verb suffix, present continuous, SG-maverb suffix, present continuous, SGDutton (2010)
15409warm/hothuhuneva-be hot, perspireDutton (2010)
15180we (pronoun d:1p)noweDutton (2010)
14644what?vadu|bewhat?Dutton (2010)
15529what?onowhat (is it)? (self questioning)Dutton (2010)
15455whitekae|kaewhiteDutton (2010)
15518who?-arewho, whichDutton (2010)
15069wifemabarawifeDutton (2010)
15365with (by means of)daon, on top of, by (car or truck)Dutton (2010)
15510womannigiskirt, woman's dressDutton (2010)
15081womanmaviwoman, wifeDutton (2010)
14666yamvaeayam (type)Dutton (2010)
14721you pl. (pronoun d:2p)yayou.plDutton (2010)
14604you (pronoun d:2s)ayou.sgDutton (2010)