213735 | Som | gnᵋnŋi | | | SIL (1968) | |
14274 | Barai (South Dialect) | gobai | tooth | | Dutton (2010) | |
19531 | Sause | goŋ | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
191101 | Utarmbung | gʌpɔ- | | | Z'graggen (1980) | tooth |
228730 | Ura | ʌ ǥʌřʌ | | | SIL (1971) | |
14272 | Proto-Baraic | *gubai | | | Dutton (2010) | |
22626 | Kwerba (Airmati Dialect) | gwanə | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
74658 | Yagaria | haeyapa | | | Scott (1978) | |
25313 | Wolani | hego | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
7271 | Wolani (Upper Mbijandoga Dialect) | hego | | | Larson & Larson (1972) | |
19976 | Tehit | -hek | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
139821 | Musar | henaŋ | | | Z'graggen (1980) | tooth |
4767 | Menya | heqwaanga | | | Lloyd (1973) | |
21335 | Sempan | hi | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
157302 | Sempan | hi | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | tooth |
214722 | Tsaukambo | hɔˈbi | | | Hughes (2009) | |
25845 | Nimboran | hriŋ-douŋ | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
233544 | Fuyug | hul usi | | | SIL (1975) | |
6165 | Kaki Ae | huʔu | | | Brown (1973) | |
196884 | Amto | i | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
199536 | Siawi | ʔi | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
233705 | Ama | i: | | | SIL (1974) | |
240659 | Murik (Wagamut Dialect) | ˈiasər̃apʰ | | | Abbott (1985) | |
240555 | Murik (Karau Dialect) | ˈiasɩr̃apʰ | | | Abbott (1985) | |
240451 | Kopar (Singarin Dialect) | ˈiasɩr̃apʰ | | | Abbott (1985) | |
245358 | Kopar (Singarin Dialect) | 'iasɩřapʰ | | | SIL (1977) | |
157328 | Southern Kiwai (Tureture Dialect) | iawa | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | tooth |
157326 | Southern Kiwai | iawa | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | tooth |
32227 | Kambaira | ibandi | | | SIL () | |
7058 | Bamu | ibɔmɔrɔ | | | Shaw (1986) | |
31428 | Northeast Kiwai (Gibaio Dialect) | 'íbo:˥˩nɛ: | | | Wurm (1973) | |
3455 | Morigi | ibonolo | | | Wurm (1973) | |
5271 | Bamu (Sisiame Dialect) | ibonoro | | | Wurm (1973) | |
3872 | Bamu | ibonoro | | | Wurm (1973) | |
2500 | Bamu (Pirupiru Dialect) | ibonuru | | | Wurm (1973) | |
20297 | Mpur | ibuir | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
2396 | Southern Kiwai (Tureture Dialect) | ibunoro | | | Wurm (1973) | |
2602 | Waboda | ibupoka | | | Wurm (1973) | |
157327 | Waboda | ibupoka | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | tooth |
23940 | Warembori | iburoro | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
19085 | Moskona | ifon | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
35818 | Buna | 'igɔ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
21535 | Momuna | ija | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
157308 | Mandobo Atas | imban | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | tooth |
25565 | Mandobo Atas | imban | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
198557 | Owiniga | imɛři | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
232985 | Owiniga | imɛři | | | SIL (1972) | |
246265 | Owiniga | i'mʌli | | | SIL (1963) | |
22216 | Yahadian | inam | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
78665 | Tidore | ing | | | Pikkert et al (1994) | |