25721 | Warkay-Bipim | teran | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
28512 | Warkay-Bipim | terän | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
165923 | Kuot | tete | child-directed | | Lindström (2008) | |
21611 | Semimi | tevi- | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
36914 | Teiwa (Madar Dialect) | ti | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
36094 | Teiwa (Sargang Dialect) | tiʔ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
38672 | Teiwa (Deing Dialect) | tiʔ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
38438 | Teiwa (Lebang Dialect) | tiʔ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
155719 | Kubo | tia | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | to-sleep |
155722 | Beami | tia | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | to-sleep |
16249 | Odoodee (Kalamo Dialect) | tiæye | | | Shaw (1986) | |
7216 | Kubo | tiaiɔ | | | Shaw (1986) | |
37852 | Western Pantar (Biangwala Dialect) | t'iaŋ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
37149 | Western Pantar (Mauta Tubal Dialect) | t'iʔaŋ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
38086 | Western Pantar (Kalondama Dialect) | tiʔ'ãŋ | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
30782 | Usku | tianise | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
19687 | Usku | tianise | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
34478 | Karon Dori | tìdi:in | | | Miedema & Welling (1985) | |
34317 | Abun (Senopi Dialect) | tìdi:in | | | Miedema & Welling (1985) | |
219200 | Indonesian | tidur | | | Kriens & Lebold (2010) | |
35383 | Bahasa Indonesia | tidur | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
16349 | Odoodee (Hesif Dialect) | tie | | | Shaw (1986) | |
23616 | Karon Dori | -tien | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
77967 | Maybrat | -tien | | | Dol (2007) | |
78118 | West Makian | tifi | | | Voorhoeve (1982) | |
18011 | Edolo | tiʌhã | | | Shaw (1986) | |
18611 | Fembe | tiɔľu | | | Shaw (1986) | |
211793 | Proto-Oceanic | *tiruʀ | | | Blust (1993) | |
36797 | Blagar (Limarahing On Pura Dialect) | t'iya | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
5744 | Kubo | tiyaiyo | | | Shaw (1973) | |
35505 | Blagar (Apuri On Pura Dialect) | t'iyα | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
36680 | Blagar (Bakalang Dialect) | t'iyα | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
37500 | Blagar (Terewent Dialect) | tiy'α | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
240546 | Murik (Karau Dialect) | ˈtʰoařə | | | Abbott (1985) | |
222141 | Duvle | tobi | | | Clouse (1997) | |
222154 | Duvle | tobu | | | Clouse (1997) | |
21691 | Iha | tomod yaŋge | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
227115 | Wipi (Kuru Dialect) | tʰon wɛhɨə | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
227012 | Wipi (Kapal Dialect) | ton yɛt wæg | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
226913 | Wipi (Gamaewe Dialect) | tʰon yət wɛg | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
226457 | Wipi (Peawa Dialect) | ton yiřət weřəv | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
226362 | Wipi (Ume Dialect) | ton yɪřte wehe | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
226554 | Wipi (Abam Dialect) | ton yʉtʰwev | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
33499 | Keuw | tróo-nô | | | Kamholz (2012) | |
155741 | Yau (Kumdauron Dialect) | tu | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | to-sleep |
212995 | Awa | tugæʔ | | | SIL (1976) | |
74235 | Awa | tuguh' | sleep | | Scott (1978) | |
16649 | Konai | tuľuɔ | | | Shaw (1986) | |
155712 | Muyu, South | tunuk aŋgee | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | to-sleep |
20897 | Muyu, North | tunuk aŋgee- | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |