236198 | Murik | oramen | | | Foley (2005) | |
240532 | Kopar (Singarin Dialect) | ˈoramen | | | Abbott (1985) | |
224001 | Doutai | oɾu | | | Clouse (1997) | |
30087 | Sawi | paero | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
122332 | Munit | pagʌy | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
122360 | Gal | pani | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
224007 | Sikaritai | pɛja | | | Clouse (1997) | |
178502 | Migum | pua | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
239256 | Tok Pisin | pukpuk | crocodile | | Abbott (1985) | |
141490 | Kowaki | roar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
141478 | Brem | ruar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
141496 | Pal | sani | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
30256 | Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect) | saxambo | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
230343 | Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect) | sá=xambo | | | Healey (1970) | |
198038 | Walio | sɛb̶akwei | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
223784 | Bine (Sebe Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
225563 | Bine (Sogal Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
225721 | Bine (Giringarede Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
225880 | Bine (Boze Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
225412 | Bine (Drageli Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
225263 | Bine (Täti Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
224503 | Bine (Masingle Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
224179 | Bine (Irupi Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
223606 | Bine (Kunini Dialect) | siːble | | | Fleischmann and Turpeinen (1976) | |
198485 | Owiniga | sinapi | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
233086 | Owiniga | sinapi | | | SIL (1972) | |
197317 | Papi | sinapi | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
246365 | Nimo | siřapi | | | SIL (1963) | |
198196 | Nimo | siřapiI | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
210787 | Komyandaret | sɨ'mᵚij | | | Hughes (2009) | |
214761 | Tsaukambo | sɔˈmɜj | | | Hughes (2009) | |
210997 | Wanggom | sɔˈmɜj | | | Hughes (2009) | |
178517 | Rerau | soru | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
192067 | Mum | suŋgi mabra | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
227942 | Arandai (Weriagar Dialect) | tađ'aje | | | Voorhoeve (1985) | |
141474 | Bargam | tagum | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
141484 | Maia (Saki Dialect) | tagweya | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
231258 | Arandai (Sebyar Dialect) | tay'ade | | | Voorhoeve (1985) | |
227748 | Arandai (Barau Dialect) | tirade | | | Voorhoeve (1985) | |
209877 | Proto-North-Adelbert | *tuad | | | Ross (2014) | crocodile |
206922 | Proto-North-Adelbert | *tuad | | | Ross (2014) | crocodile |
141493 | Musar | tuan | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
141477 | Malas | tuar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
141487 | Mauwake | tuar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
214224 | Wambon | tuˈmit | | | Hughes (2009) | |
141488 | Bepour | tuwar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
141489 | Moere | tuwar | | | Z'graggen (1980) | crocodile |
49181 | Yekora | u | crocodile | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
240973 | Angoram (Kanduanum Dialect) | ˈuaiami | | | Abbott (1985) | |
240811 | Angoram (Marbuk Dialect) | ˈuařami | | | Abbott (1985) | |