Summer Institute of Linguistics Language Survey of Biwat, 1975.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
238081Biwatto killpasimandine
238082Biwatto dieamenge
238083Biwatto burn (intrans.)menevungme
238084Biwatto flyuˌavetaperine
238085Biwatto swimmameverereve
238086Biwatto runjienmeg
238087Biwatto fall (drop rather than topple)uelukupeline
238088Biwatto hitueˌ pasine
238089Biwatto catchdamerag
238090Biwatto coughueˌ kureme
238091Biwatto laughueˌ juime
238092Biwatto danceueˌ asirive
238095Biwatto know (facts)geve
238096Biwathe, she, it (pronoun d:3s)tutua
238097Biwatwe dual (pronoun d:1p, dual)ine barearavu
238098Biwatyou two (pronoun d:2s, dual)yane barialavu
238099Biwatthey dual (pronoun d:3p, dual)unearavu
238100Biwatwe excl. plural (pronoun d:1p, excl, plural)ineg
238101Biwatyou pl. (pronoun d:2p)yane
238102Biwatthey (pronoun d:3p)wane