
Glottocode: wala1269
ISO 639: wlw

Also Known As: Lower Pyramid & Wodo

Sources: Bromley (1967)

Classification: Trans-New Guinea, West, Dani, Dani Proper



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
27025nameedakaBromley (1967)
27074navelnamunnavel (my)Bromley (1967)navel (my)
27026necknaš¯›æogopatš¯›æeneck (my)Bromley (1967)neck (my)
27075nettuBromley (1967)
27027newgetBromley (1967)
27028nightkŹ‹š¯›æakaBromley (1967)
27029nosenokopaknose (my)Bromley (1967)nose (my)
27030notš¯›æekBromley (1967)
27076not knownogot š¯›æeknot knowBromley (1967)I know
27031oneomagi-atBromley (1967)
27032peopleakkuniBromley (1967)
27077pigwamBromley (1967)
27033rainmijorainBromley (1967)rain
27034redmoš¯›æaBromley (1967)
27035road/pathtuwanBromley (1967)
27036rootomagenBromley (1967)
27037roundpuš¯›æikgenBromley (1967)
27038sandbili-genBromley (1967)
27041seedaiseed (plant)Bromley (1967)seed (plant)
27043skinnakatš¯›æoskin (my)Bromley (1967)skin (my)
27045smallš¯›æŹ‹k-eš¯›æakBromley (1967)
27046smoke (of fire)totš¯›æeBromley (1967)
27048starš¯›æaš¯›æi-kutakelBromley (1967)
27049stonegit [Å‹git]Bromley (1967)
27050sunmoBromley (1967)
27052suno-ilBromley (1967)
27053tailakaBromley (1967)
27054thatɩlɩBromley (1967)
27055thisjiBromley (1967)
27056thoukatBromley (1967)
26793to bitelipil-nakkebit meBromley (1967)bite (bit me)
26798to burn (intrans.)kali nege [neŋge]burn meBromley (1967)burn (me)
26802to comeememarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)come! (2s)
26839to diewat-lakadied (3s)Bromley (1967)died (3s)
26803to diekagedied (3s)Bromley (1967)died (3s)
26805to drinki nanmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)drink! (2s)
26809to eatnanmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)eat! (2s)
26816to flyputlukflyingBromley (1967)flying
26819to givewok-nitingive me!Bromley (1967)give (me)!
26825to hearnatuk kulkiI heardBromley (1967)I heard
26829to killwatinmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)kill! (2s)
26831to know (facts)niluI knowBromley (1967)I know
26833to lie downwil-atinI lie downBromley (1967)lie down!
27040to lookkil kanmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)look! (2s)
27057tonguenatš¯›æitongue (my)Bromley (1967)tongue (my)
27058tooth (front rather than molar)naiktooth (my)Bromley (1967)tooth (my)
27042to sitkot-latinmarked with ! and (2s) Bromley (1967)sit! (2s)
260751to sleepnoke...Bromley (1967)
260750to sleepnoko jinBromley (1967)
27039to speakkane inmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)speak! (2s)