
Glottocode: midg1235
ISO 639: dnt

Sources: Bromley (1967)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Dani, Central Dani, Grand Valley Dani



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
26730nameedaka [etaga]Bromley (1967)
26778navelnamʋnmy navelBromley (1967)navel (my)
26731neckna𝛿ogop-at𝛿emy neckBromley (1967)neck (my)
26779netsuBromley (1967)
26732newget [ket]Bromley (1967)
26733nighthɩpagoBromley (1967)
26734nosenakouwak-oakmy noseBromley (1967)nose (my)
26735not𝛿ekBromley (1967)
26780not knownogot𝛿eknot knowBromley (1967)I know
26736onebagɩ-atBromley (1967)
26737peopleak-hʋnɩBromley (1967)
26781pigwamBromley (1967)
26738rainmisorainBromley (1967)rain
26739redmepmepbloodlikeBromley (1967)
26740road/pathholak-a𝛿emBromley (1967)
26741rootomagenBromley (1967)
26742roundhʋbʋ𝛿egenBromley (1967)
26743sanddaleBromley (1967)
26746seedseed (plant)Bromley (1967)seed (plant)
26748skinnoat𝛿omy skinBromley (1967)skin (my)
26750small∂ʋk-ʋ𝛿akBromley (1967)
26751smoke (of fire)tot𝛿eBromley (1967)
26753starhusakelBromley (1967)
26754stonehelegit [helekit]Bromley (1967)
26755sunmʋlɩgɩBromley (1967)
26757tailakaBromley (1967)
26758thatɩlɩBromley (1967)
26759thisjiBromley (1967)
26760thouhatBromley (1967)
26679to bitelipit-𝛿anhebit meBromley (1967)bite (bit me)
26684to burn (intrans.)(nopa) halɩ nege [neke]burn meBromley (1967)burn (me)
26688to comeememarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)come! (2s)
26689to diewat-lakadied (3s)Bromley (1967)died (3s)
26691to drinki nanmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)drink! (2s)
26695to eatnanmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)eat! (2s)
26702to flylekhak-hogoflyingBromley (1967)flying
26705to givewok-nomgive me!Bromley (1967)give (me)!
26711to hearnasuk holhɩI heardBromley (1967)I heard
26715to killwasinmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)kill! (2s)
26717to know (facts)niluI knowBromley (1967)I know
26719to lie downwil-asinmarked with ! Bromley (1967)lie down!
26745to lookhel-egen ∂ɩk-hanmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)look! (2s)
26761tonguena∂imy tongueBromley (1967)tongue (my)
26762tooth (front rather than molar)naikmy toothBromley (1967)tooth (my)
26747to sithʋtek-lasinmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)sit! (2s)
26749to sleepnoke inmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)sleep! (2s)
26744to speakhane inmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)speak! (2s)
26752to standmel-asinmarked with ! and (2s)Bromley (1967)stand! (2s)
26756to swimgume wasinmarked with !Bromley (1967)swim! (2s)
26782to vomit∂e∂akBromley (1967)