
Glottocode: cent2118
ISO 639: awu

Sources: Kriens & Lebold (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Greater Awyu, Awyu-Dumut, Awyu, Mappi-Digul Awyu



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
220012stoneijobiˈgiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220011stoneˈijobgiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220023sunsɑˈwɑʔKriens & Lebold (2010)
220000sweet potatoteˈbi bɑˈwoKriens & Lebold (2010)
219972tailwoˈbuKriens & Lebold (2010)
220096tallpirijɑˈɣɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
219999taroiˈwiʔKriens & Lebold (2010)
220074tenbirikuˈmɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
220048thatiˈkiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220034thatch, roofdoˈgɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
220050thereikəˈriKriens & Lebold (2010)
219965they (pronoun d:3p)ˈjohoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220047thisnoˈkiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219990thornjomoˈhõKriens & Lebold (2010)
220069threeokumɪsiˈjoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220152to batheoˈɣo ˈnɛkiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220129to be tiredkunuwomoˈɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220170to biteɑsiˈgemoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220162to burn (intrans.)ˈindo ˈdogoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220158to comeKriens & Lebold (2010)
220171to coughwɑˈɣɑsoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220161to cryɪˈɸɛˈuguKriens & Lebold (2010)
220156to dieˈkuŋguKriens & Lebold (2010)
220147to digjoˈɣuKriens & Lebold (2010)
220154to drinkɑˈmiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220164to drysɑˈwɑtok̚in the sunKriens & Lebold (2010)
220165to drykuɸunɑniin the sunKriens & Lebold (2010)
220153to eatɑˈriKriens & Lebold (2010)
220149to fall (drop rather than topple)buroˈmoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220151to fall (drop rather than topple)buruˈmoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220150to fall (drop rather than topple)kusuˈmoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220141to flyˈbuŋ ɑˈyɑi̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
220157to givekuˈroKriens & Lebold (2010)
220159to gonoˈxoiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220101to hearɑrɛˈwaKriens & Lebold (2010)
220167to hitifiˈjooKriens & Lebold (2010)
220144to hold (in hand)jɑˈɣɑKriens & Lebold (2010)
220155to killˈugu ˈkuŋguKriens & Lebold (2010)
220102to know (facts)nɑˈfɑ̃ŋKriens & Lebold (2010)
220160to laughɑbəˈgiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219932tonguefɑˈgɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219931tongueɸɑˈgɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
219930tooth (front rather than molar)mɑˈgɑʔKriens & Lebold (2010)
220139to runbuˈni ɑˈyɑi̯Kriens & Lebold (2010)
220143to scratch (as with fingernails to relieve itch)giˈgiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220100to seeetoˈɣoKriens & Lebold (2010)
220169to shootˈtiŋgiKriens & Lebold (2010)
220133to sitbɑˈhɛKriens & Lebold (2010)
220132to sitbɑˈɣɑɪKriens & Lebold (2010)
220131to sleepˌkunuɑˈd͡ʒɛKriens & Lebold (2010)