
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
19586ElsengtoVoorhoeve (1975)
221827FayuClouse (1997)
221828Kirikiri (Faia Dialect)to-daoClouse (1997)
226310Wipi (Ume Dialect)ton ab̶inFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226407Wipi (Peawa Dialect)tʰon ařvinFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227259Wipi (Zim Dialect)ton aviñFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226861Wipi (Gamaewe Dialect)tʰon awǐnFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226609Wipi (Wipim Dialect)ton awinFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226960Wipi (Kapal Dialect)ton awinFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226502Wipi (Abam Dialect)tʰɔˆn wahɨŋFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227059Wipi (Kuru Dialect)tʰon yovFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
227161Wipi (Iamega Dialect)tʰon yowiñFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
163955Kyenele (Miyak Dialect)tšɛntšɛntšuƀaDavies and Comrie (1985)to eat
5436DadibituboMacdonald (1973)
22882KwestentumbirVoorhoeve (1975)
183773Saepu-Z'graggen (1980)to eat
183768Yabongu-Z'graggen (1980)to eat
77012MbaniataūāeatTryon & Hackman (1983)
49658Baruga (Tafota Dialect)ũdarigeneric term for foodSmallhorn (2011)
49656Baruga (Tafota Dialect)ũ'darifoodSmallhorn (2011)
23715BauziudeʔaVoorhoeve (1975)
49657Baruga (Tafota Dialect)ũdieatSmallhorn (2011)
237970Biwatueh jivehSIL (1975)
49649Ewage-Notu[umo] indari indido [ira]he is eatingSmallhorn (2011)
49650Yegha (Oukena Dialect)[umo] undari indido [ira]he is eatingSmallhorn (2011)
157211TelefolunaMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-eat
157209MianunaMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-eat
56161MakasaeunaStokhof (1975)
49653Baruga (Bareji Dialect)undarefoodSmallhorn (2011)
49655Baruga (Bareji Dialect)u'ndarifoodSmallhorn (2011)
17292Northeast Kiwai (Arigibi Dialect)'ú:ʔoWurm (1973)
245183Biwatu-u giveSIL (1976)
183785Anjamuy-Z'graggen (1980)to eat
195965BonguuyarMikloucho-Maclay (1871-1883)
240362Ap Ma (Kambaramba Dialect)vaŋdəmaAbbott (1985)
76650MbiluavuatoeatTryon & Hackman (1983)
76258Mbilua (Ndovele Dialect)vuatoeatTryon & Hackman (1983)
225939Gizra (Waidoro Dialect)wa alodaFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226030Gizra (Waidoro Dialect)wa alodaFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226121Gizra (Kupere Dialect)waː alodaFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
226215Gizra (Togo Dialect)waː alodaFleischmann and Turpeinen (1976)
20111MoiwakVoorhoeve (1975)
157212TelefolwanMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-eat
25094Tobatiwan-Voorhoeve (1975)
197868PyuwaŋgɛʔConrad and Dye (1975)
183787Bonguw(e)-Z'graggen (1980)to eat
212143TangkowɛˈɾɛmHughes (2009)
197001Iteri (Rocky Peak Dialect)wɛnoConrad and Dye (1975)
31695Dano (Asaro Dialect)we veľɛ nonaSIL (1974)
224828AlamblakweyanumDye et al (1968)