
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
76749Mbaniata (Lokuru Dialect)aunoTryon & Hackman (1983)
76896MbaniataaunoTryon & Hackman (1983)
77156EngadaáLang (1973)
77737KlonnangBaird (2008)
77824MaybratfenoDol (2007)
77825MaybratkayienotDol (2007)
77831MaybratehenoDol (2007)
78001West MakianyoVoorhoeve (1982)
78059West MakianwayoVoorhoeve (1982)
78559Sahu'auVisser & Voorhoeve (1987)
78719TidoreuaPikkert et al (1994)
203007Setaman (Baktamin Dialect)Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
203143Faiwol (Selbang Dialect)bɑnimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203144Faiwol (Selbang Dialect)Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
165855Kuotkarukis not, noLindström (2008)
166094KuottəlenegationLindström (2008)
230706Kol'eβeSIL (1981)
231666UraɣakuSIL (1975)
231749Arandai (Sebyar Dialect)andʼaVoorhoeve (1985)
231750Arandai (Sebyar Dialect)menaiVoorhoeve (1985)
231980Yagaria (Hira Dialect)e'eSIL (2000)
232153DagauonSIL (1965)
232329Ambakich (Yaut Dialect)ambakɩtʃPotter et al (2008)
232485Ambakich (Agurant Dialect)ambakɨt ̚Potter et al (2008)
232641Ambakich (Ombos Dialect)ambakʷɨtʃPotter et al (2008)
232797Ambakich (Pangin Dialect)ampakənPotter et al (2008)
232953Ambakich (Arango Dialect)ambakənPotter et al (2008)
233095OwiniganabřuSIL (1972)
233185Mali (Arambum Dialect)kakuSIL (1985)
233309Mali (Makunga Dialect)ʌŋʌbʌsSIL (1985)
233463DimaiboiSIL (1973)
233649Fuyugo'oSIL (1975)
233802Amawi'a:uSIL (1974)
234011Alekano (Wanima Dialect)oqéSIL (1975)
234012Alekano (Wanima Dialect)oqvéSIL (1975)
210022Faiwol (Dimtikin Dialect)Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
210162Faiwol (Lowbip Dialect)baːyoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210291BiminbaVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210411Bimin (Sengen Dialect)baVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210534Bimin (Fagobiw Dialect)baVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210734Korowaiʔæ'wɯwo:Hughes (2009)
210944KomyandaretˈbæʔdæHughes (2009)
234190Alekano (Kotuni Dialect)oe-eSIL (1975)
211939WanggomwɑˈnindɔHughes (2009)
234364Alekano (Wanima Dialect)oqéSIL (1962)
234371Alekano (Wanima Dialect)oqvéSIL (1962)
234533AlekanooʔeSIL (1965)
212160Tangkodiɾɔ wɑˈnɑndɔHughes (2009)
234689Alekano (Kefamo Dialect)nomiqSIL (1975)
234750Alekano (Kefamo Dialect)lă noliveqSIL (1975)