240977 | Ambakich (Agurant Dialect) | ka'tšɩr | | | SIL (1977) | |
91613 | Komba | kauk- | (its) head | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) head |
148717 | Komba (Gwama River (North) Dialect) | kâukŋâ | head (his) | | Southwell (1976) | head (his) |
148719 | Komba (Puleng River Dialect) | kâukŋâ | head (his) | | Southwell (1976) | head (his) |
148720 | Komba (Gwama River (South) Dialect) | kâukŋâ | head (his) | | Southwell (1976) | head (his) |
148718 | Komba (Ândâ River Dialect) | kâukŋâ | head (his) | | Southwell (1976) | head (his) |
155082 | Nukna | kaut | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
155126 | Timbe | kaut | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
91615 | Timbe | kaut- | (its) head | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) head |
155068 | Kuni-Boazi (Boazi Dialect) | kawa | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
21960 | Kuni-Boazi | kawa | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
29945 | Zimakani (South Boazi Dialect) | kawa | | | Voorhoeve (1970) | |
28585 | Kuni-Boazi | kawa | | | Voorhoeve (1970) | |
155103 | Wantoat (Yagawak Dialect) | kayʌ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
201766 | Proto-Dumut | *kɑbiɑn | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
155051 | Pare | keba | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
229556 | Proto-Dumut | *kebian | [K] | | Healey (1970) | |
201357 | Mandobo Atas | kebiɑn | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
155109 | Nimi | kee | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
230135 | Kol | 'kel.a | | | SIL (1981) | |
229586 | Kol | kela keřne | | | SIL (1962) | |
155080 | Iyo | kemba | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
155040 | Mandobo Atas | kembian | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
30593 | Tofanma | kemble | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
19715 | Tofanma | kemble | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
25549 | Mandobo Atas | kembyan | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
198508 | Owiniga | kɛmɛ | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
232961 | Owiniga | kɛmɛ | | | SIL (1972) | |
246239 | Owiniga | 'kɛmɛh | | | SIL (1963) | |
120178 | Kare | kendʌ:ga | | | Z'graggen (1980) | head |
21720 | Baham | kendo-wame | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
73150 | Proto-Eastern-Central | *k(ent)o | | | Scott (1978) | |
219003 | Indonesian | kepala | | | Kriens & Lebold (2010) | |
35325 | Bahasa Indonesia | kepala | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
2597 | Waboda | kepuru | | | Wurm (1973) | |
155065 | Waboda | kepuru | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
23804 | Wutung | kəsu | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
19880 | Yale, Korsarek | khe yok | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
199988 | Numanggang (Tumung Dialect) | ki | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
155105 | Mamaa | kʌi | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
200068 | Numanggang (Kawalang Dialect) | ki: | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
2086 | Pare | kiba | | | Shaw (1973) | |
15985 | Pare | kiba | | | Shaw (1986) | |
201861 | Proto-Awyu-Dumut | *kɑibɑn | | | Voorhoeve (2000) | |
21639 | Tanahmerah | kidaso | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |
198569 | Mungkip | kʰige | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
50980 | Hunjara-Kaina Ke | kihri | first | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
155106 | Uri | kii | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | head |
33746 | Eipomek | kiisok | | | Heeschen (1978) | |
20805 | Yei | kilpel | | | Voorhoeve (1975) | |