
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
33780KosareHeeschen (1978)
33886Yale, Korsarekouk̂Heeschen (1978)
34300Abun (Senopi Dialect)tafoxMiedema & Welling (1985)
34340Meyah (Akrin Dialect)ma:xMiedema & Welling (1985)
34380Meyah (Anason Dialect)meraxMiedema & Welling (1985)
34420Abun (Jembun Dialect)bo:tMiedema & Welling (1985)
34461Karon Dorika:nMiedema & Welling (1985)
34501Meyah (Etskebi Dialect)meraxMiedema & Welling (1985)
34541Meyah (Miun Dialect)ma:xMiedema & Welling (1985)
34581Meyah (Mumbrani Dialect)ma:xMiedema & Welling (1985)
34622Moskona (Merdey Dialect)mèraxMiedema & Welling (1985)
34662Mpur (Arfu Dialect)yitMiedema & Welling (1985)
34702Mpur (Kebar Dialect)yètMiedema & Welling (1985)
198101AmatahConrad and Dye (1975)
198206NimotaConrad and Dye (1975)
198312BotaConrad and Dye (1975)
198495OwinigasaConrad and Dye (1975)
198631MungkipkudukRetsema et al. (2009)
198748Nakame (Sikalan Dialect)kombaRetsema et al. (2009)
198869Nakame (Sokan Dialect)qobɑRetsema et al. (2009)
30352TamagarioaruVoorhoeve (1971)
29733ElsengbɔtVoorhoeve (1971)
198987Nakame (Wasin Dialect)quduqRetsema et al. (2009)
29013ZoropdauVoorhoeve (1971)
30280TaikatdowVoorhoeve (1971)
199106Nakame (Dzenzen Dialect)guduqRetsema et al. (2009)
228533SetasakuluSIL (2000)
28674Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect)jindoVoorhoeve (1971)
30749UskujoVoorhoeve (1971)
30024SawijoodVoorhoeve (1971)
199233Nakame (Popof Dialect)quduqRetsema et al. (2009)
29652Dera (Moŋgowar Dialect)kaiVoorhoeve (1971)
28718Dera (Amgotro Dialect)kaiVoorhoeve (1971)
199350Proto-West-Tariku*kueClouse (1993)
199394Proto-Central-Tariku*beClouse (1993)
199453Proto-East-Tariku*kureClouse (1993)
199626Nakame (Munguleng Dialect)quduqRetsema et al. (2009)
199736Nakame (Gufin Dialect)kudupRetsema et al. (2009)
30666SkouraVoorhoeve (1971)
29119YaqayrekaVoorhoeve (1971)
199825Nuk (Tamben Dialect)miɛtRetsema et al. (2009)
29485ManemsawVoorhoeve (1971)
30831SowandasueVoorhoeve (1971)
30929WarissueVoorhoeve (1971)
199935Nuk (Tunam Dialect)kɨndɨpRetsema et al. (2009)
28825AwyitaoVoorhoeve (1971)
200037Numanggang (Tumung Dialect)kudupRetsema et al. (2009)
29569MoloftombeVoorhoeve (1971)
30115ViidtowVoorhoeve (1971)
28546Warkay-BipimusaVoorhoeve (1971)