158614 | Wantoat | ŋwʌm | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
140435 | Parawen | niʌ | | | Z'graggen (1980) | breast |
26683 | Dani, Mid Grand Valley | ni𝛿ak | | | Bromley (1967) | |
140433 | Yarawata | niaw | | | Z'graggen (1980) | breast |
35106 | Klon (Halerman Dialect) | nid'ut | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
243498 | Elkei | niman | | | Laycock (1968) | |
158587 | Sentani | nimə | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
243494 | One, Inebu | nimla | | | Laycock (1968) | |
237670 | Alamblak | niŋgam | | | Foley (2005) | |
235412 | Murik | niŋgen | | | Foley (2005) | |
7850 | Murik | niŋgen | | | Foley (1986) | |
236082 | Murik | niŋgen | | | Foley (2005) | |
236086 | Kopar | niŋgin | | | Foley (2005) | |
235416 | Kopar | niŋgin | | | Foley (2005) | |
246450 | Chambri | ninke | | | SIL (1975) | |
34870 | Kafoa | nit'ut- | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
7752 | Tabriak | njay | | | Foley (1986) | |
245742 | Tabriak | njay mɨnak | | | SIL (1990) | |
200356 | Uri (Sintogoro Dialect) | nʌm | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
163632 | Yimas | 'nʌŋay | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | breast |
236084 | Yimas | nɨŋay | | | Foley (2005) | |
7644 | Yimas | nɨŋay | | | Foley (1986) | |
235414 | Yimas | nɨŋay | | | Foley (2005) | |
236083 | Proto-Lower-Sepik | *nɨŋgay | | | Foley (2005) | |
235413 | Proto-Lower-Sepik | *nɨŋgay | | | Foley (2005) | |
7803 | Proto-Lower-Sepik | *nɨŋkay | | | Foley (1986) | |
236088 | Chambri | nɨŋke | | | Foley (2005) | |
7898 | Chambri | nɨŋke | | | Foley (1986) | |
235418 | Chambri | nɨŋke | | | Foley (2005) | |
158619 | Mamaa | nɨnok | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
158568 | Awyu, Asue | nõ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
30627 | Skou | nɔ | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
246329 | Nimo | nɔ | | | SIL (1963) | |
198191 | Nimo | nɔ | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
198296 | Bo | nɔ | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
199997 | Numanggang (Tumung Dialect) | nom | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
200077 | Numanggang (Kawalang Dialect) | nom | breast (her) | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
198579 | Mungkip | nom | breast (her) | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
158625 | Numanggang | nom | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
158626 | Nakame | nom | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
158624 | Ma Manda | nom | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
158628 | Nuk | nom | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
199775 | Nuk (Tamben Dialect) | nom | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
158629 | Mungkip | nom | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
199697 | Nakame (Gufin Dialect) | nom | breast (her) | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
198697 | Nakame (Sikalan Dialect) | noməŋ | breast (her) | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
199562 | Nakame (Munguleng Dialect) | nomge | | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
199179 | Nakame (Popof Dialect) | nōmŋi | breast (her) | | Retsema et al. (2009) | |
158597 | Rawa | nomo | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | breast |
210424 | Bimin (Fagobiw Dialect) | non | | | Van Cott and Spencer (2010) | |