
Glottocode: yawi1238
ISO 639: ybx

Sources: Conrad and Dye (1975)

Classification: Sepik, Leonhard Schultze, Walio



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
196738to laughyɩsuyaConrad and Dye (1975)
196781vineyʌniConrad and Dye (1975)
196782vineyɩniConrad and Dye (1975)
196732hairyeiConrad and Dye (1975)
196753no, notyasʌ safiyeConrad and Dye (1975)
196762rootyanuso:Conrad and Dye (1975)
196779treeyanuConrad and Dye (1975)
196764shoulderyanisoConrad and Dye (1975)
196719elbowyanipaʔařuConrad and Dye (1975)
196733arm, handyanineřuConrad and Dye (1975)
196701bananayaneConrad and Dye (1975)
196700bad (deleterious or unsuitable)yaiyeConrad and Dye (1975)
196746mountainWwaʔuConrad and Dye (1975)
196755oldwořiyaiold houseConrad and Dye (1975)
196775threewanapuConrad and Dye (1975)
196786whitewabuʔořeConrad and Dye (1975)
196785waterutlauweConrad and Dye (1975)
196751newusaneConrad and Dye (1975)
196740liverumʌneConrad and Dye (1975)
196763sanduʔauConrad and Dye (1975)
196776thumbtyamiConrad and Dye (1975)
196771to standtwařitaConrad and Dye (1975)
196705blacktʌsiʔʌřeConrad and Dye (1975)
196742manto i:waConrad and Dye (1975)
196766skintoefahewaConrad and Dye (1975)
196743mantoConrad and Dye (1975)
196754nosetɩmʌsiConrad and Dye (1975)
196698ashestiyami sapuConrad and Dye (1975)
196722firetiyamiConrad and Dye (1975)
196768smoke (of fire)tiyamConrad and Dye (1975)
196734headtipafuConrad and Dye (1975)
196702bellytifʌlaweConrad and Dye (1975)
196727foreheadtiʔauConrad and Dye (1975)
196706bloodteyuowaConrad and Dye (1975)
196789wingteiConrad and Dye (1975)
196788wingtautanařuConrad and Dye (1975)
196752nighttatufiyaConrad and Dye (1975)
196750net bag tasuyaConrad and Dye (1975)
196723firetanuwaConrad and Dye (1975)
196777tonguetanotaiConrad and Dye (1975)
196748mouthtano inauConrad and Dye (1975)
196710chintanoʔiConrad and Dye (1975)
196747mouthtanoConrad and Dye (1975)
196699back (body part)tainasoConrad and Dye (1975)
198034stonetab̶iyaConrad and Dye (1975)
196716earth/mudsusařeConrad and Dye (1975)
196711cloudsʌři hewaConrad and Dye (1975)
196772starsʌřifařiyaConrad and Dye (1975)
196767smallɩsi ɩsiConrad and Dye (1975)
196749neckɩsɩʔiConrad and Dye (1975)