
Glottocode: indo1316
ISO 639: ind

Sources: Kriens & Lebold (2010)

Classification: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayo-Chamic, Malayic, Nuclear Malayic, Standard Malay-Indonesian



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
219177smallkecilKriens & Lebold (2010)
219126smoke (of fire)asapKriens & Lebold (2010)
219052snakeularKriens & Lebold (2010)
219124starbintangKriens & Lebold (2010)
219016stomachperutKriens & Lebold (2010)
219109stonebatuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219121sunmatahariKriens & Lebold (2010)
219099sweet potatobetatasKriens & Lebold (2010)
219049tailekorKriens & Lebold (2010)
219191talltinggiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219098tarokeladiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219174tensepuluhKriens & Lebold (2010)
219146thatituKriens & Lebold (2010)
219132thatch, roofatapKriens & Lebold (2010)
219148theredi situKriens & Lebold (2010)
219042they (pronoun d:3p)dorangKriens & Lebold (2010)
219145thisiniKriens & Lebold (2010)
219089thornduriKriens & Lebold (2010)
219167threetigaKriens & Lebold (2010)
219217to bathekasih mandiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219198to be tiredcapeKriens & Lebold (2010)
219234to bitegigitKriens & Lebold (2010)
219227to burn (intrans.)bakarKriens & Lebold (2010)
219223to comedatangKriens & Lebold (2010)
219235to coughbatukKriens & Lebold (2010)
219226to crymenangisKriens & Lebold (2010)
219221to diematiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219213to diggaliKriens & Lebold (2010)
219219to drinkminumKriens & Lebold (2010)
219229to drymenjemurin the sunKriens & Lebold (2010)
219218to eatmakanKriens & Lebold (2010)
219216to fall (drop rather than topple)jatuhKriens & Lebold (2010)
219207to flyterbangKriens & Lebold (2010)
219222to giveberiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219224to gopergiKriens & Lebold (2010)
219195to heardengarKriens & Lebold (2010)
219231to hitpukulKriens & Lebold (2010)
219210to hold (in hand)pegangKriens & Lebold (2010)
219220to killbunuhKriens & Lebold (2010)
219196to know (facts)tahuKriens & Lebold (2010)
219225to laughtertawaKriens & Lebold (2010)
219011tonguelidahKriens & Lebold (2010)
219205to runlariKriens & Lebold (2010)
219209to scratch (as with fingernails to relieve itch)garukKriens & Lebold (2010)
219194to seelihatKriens & Lebold (2010)
219233to shootpanahKriens & Lebold (2010)
219201to sitdudukKriens & Lebold (2010)
219200to sleeptidurKriens & Lebold (2010)
219197to speakberkataKriens & Lebold (2010)
219211to splitbelah(wood)Kriens & Lebold (2010)