
Glottocode: asue1235
ISO 639: psa

Also Known As: Pisa

Sources: Healey (1970) , McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) & Voorhoeve (1975)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Greater Awyu, Awyu-Dumut, Awyu



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
230042to speakru ro-Healey (1970)
229900to sneezeasin si-Healey (1970)
229946to smell (something)fi mi-Healey (1970)
25429to sleepkunu ri-Voorhoeve (1975)
229987to sleepkunun ri-Healey (1970)
155707to sleepkunũ re-McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-sleep
229909to sitba-Healey (1970)
25427to sitba-Voorhoeve (1975)
230036to singitiro ri-Healey (1970)
230029to shootpɛmo-Healey (1970)
157693to shootpemoMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-shoot
229915to shiverbobin-Healey (1970)
229890to seekagu-Healey (1970)
25426to seefeto-Voorhoeve (1975)
159079to sayroMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-say
230041to sayro-Healey (1970)
230050torchsíaHealey (1970)
230105to playɣafe ra-Healey (1970)
230100to painɣarimo-Healey (1970)
229991tooth (front rather than molar)magáHealey (1970)
157306tooth (front rather than molar)magaMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)tooth
25433tooth (front rather than molar)magaVoorhoeve (1975)
154833tonguefageMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)tongue
229942tonguefagɛ́Healey (1970)
230118to loveyɛ gi-Healey (1970)
229964to livekádaɣai ba-Healey (1970)
230034to lie downri-Healey (1970)
229886to laughab gi-Healey (1970)
230089to killwu-Healey (1970)
229924to jumpbúnoɣo ru-Healey (1970)
230076to hitufuro-Healey (1970)
229904to hideasurumo-Healey (1970)
229926to hearda-Healey (1970)
230095to give birthɣai-Healey (1970)
25413to giveedo-Voorhoeve (1975)
229933to giveedo-Healey (1970)
229928to get updoto-Healey (1970)
229955to gathergigio kun-Healey (1970)
156215to flybusũMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-fly
229925to flyburun-Healey (1970)
229943to findfeto-Healey (1970)
230110to fetchɣo-di ra-Healey (1970)
229937to eat(nin-)Healey (1970)
25408to eatnı̃-Voorhoeve (1975)
157202to eatMcElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970)to-eat
230069toekito toronHealey (1970)
229995to drinkmi-Healey (1970)
229892to do, make(emo-)Healey (1970)
229988to digko-Healey (1970)
229985to diekunHealey (1970)