163087 | Kyaka | gyɛɛ | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | nose |
30691 | Skou | ha | | | Voorhoeve (1971) | |
213017 | Kirikiri (Faia Dialect) | hadua | | | Clouse (1997) | |
2727 | Akoye | hamɨ | | | Lloyd (1973) | |
15684 | Tainae | hamɨ | | | Lloyd (1973) | |
90881 | Selepet | hâme- | (its) nose | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) nose |
90887 | Timbe | hâme- | (its) nose | | McElhanon (1967) | (its) nose |
227611 | Haruai | haŋantʸ | | | Tonson (1976) | |
163100 | Haruai (Wiyaw Dialect) | haŋi'etʰ | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | nose |
243320 | Yessan-Mayo (Warasai Dialect) | haŋki | | | Laycock (1968) | |
213029 | Kaure | hapu | | | Clouse (1997) | |
3135 | Tairuma | haraha | | | Brown (1973) | |
155348 | Zia (Mawai Dialect) | heno | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
52628 | Zia (Mawai Dialect) | heno | nose | | Smallhorn (2011) | |
28275 | Zia (Mawai Dialect) | heno | | | Wilson (1969) | |
35331 | Bahasa Indonesia | hidung | | | Stokhof (1975) | |
219007 | Indonesian | hidung | | | Kriens & Lebold (2010) | |
176736 | Yangulam | him | | | Z'graggen (1980) | nose |
6708 | Hamtai | hima | | | Lloyd (1973) | |
4765 | Menya | hima | | | Lloyd (1973) | |
1489 | Yagwoia | himsa | | | Lloyd (1973) | |
73779 | Proto-Eastern | *-hi-Q | | | Scott (1978) | |
163101 | Lembena (Yariba Dialect) | hɩŋ'gaɽa | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | nose |
5169 | Pawaia | ho | | | Macdonald (1973) | |
95 | Pawaia | họ | | | Trefry (1969) | |
155343 | Mape (Naga Dialect) | hɔgi | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155332 | Selepet | hɔme | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155331 | Timbe | hɔme | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155326 | Kinalakna | hɔŋgorɛ | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
233520 | Fuyug | hul hunga | | | SIL (1975) | |
261375 | Fuyug (Sikube Dialect) | hunge | | | Williamson (1912) | |
163078 | Alamblak | 'hʰušɨ ɨtʰ | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | nose |
139729 | Miani | -igit | | | Z'graggen (1980) | nose |
199511 | Siawi | Ǐimʌ | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
246305 | Nimo | ʔimʌ | | | SIL (1963) | |
198239 | Nimo | ʔimʌ | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
176735 | Yangulam | imbi | | | Z'graggen (1980) | nose |
235457 | Kopar | imbot | | | Foley (2005) | |
236127 | Kopar | imbot | | | Foley (2005) | |
198433 | Iteri | imuř | | | Conrad and Dye (1975) | |
155304 | Wantoat (Leron Dialect) | inam | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155305 | Wantoat | inam | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155306 | Wantoat (Saseng Dialect) | inam | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155307 | Wantoat (Bam Dialect) | inam | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
155309 | Tuma-Irumu (Irumu Dialect) | inami | | | McElhanon and Voorhoeve (1970) | nose |
257580 | Mulaha | ine | | | Dutton (1970) | nose |
163091 | Lembena | ingala | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | nose |
163092 | Lembena (Maibi Dialect) | iŋ'gaɽə | | | Davies and Comrie (1985) | nose |
1389 | West Kewa | ini kadu | | | Franklin and Voorhoeve (1973) | |
236126 | Tabriak | ipun | | | Foley (2005) | |