Z'graggen, J.A., 1980. A comparative word list of the Mabuso Languages, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
128784Bagupito tietatitie
128785Silopito tietattie
128786Ututo tietattie
128787Mawanto tietatetie
128788Baimakto tiedidetie
128790Galto tietatetie
128963Mawanto turn (change one's direction)paihag-turn oneself
128964Baimakto turn (change one's direction)balisɛtu-turn oneself
128965Matepito turn (change one's direction)avul-turn oneself
128966Galto turn (change one's direction)ɛurɛ-turn oneself
128967Nobonobto turn (change one's direction)bur̃i-turn oneself
128968Wagito turn (change one's direction)buli-turn oneself
128937Kareto turn (change one's direction)iliga-turn oneself
128938Girawato turn (change one's direction)ɛp(i) tiruturn oneself
128939Girawato turn (change one's direction)ɛtɛ-turn oneself
128940Munitto turn (change one's direction)waide-turn oneself
128941Keinto turn (change one's direction)ahɛl-turn oneself
128942Sihanto turn (change one's direction)faridɛ-turn oneself
128943Gumaluto turn (change one's direction)ɛriwi-turn oneself
128944Isebeto turn (change one's direction)ɛrawi-turn oneself
128945Ameleto turn (change one's direction)falito-turn oneself
128946Bauto turn (change one's direction)falit-turn oneself
128947Panimto turn (change one's direction)elave-turn oneself
128948Raptingto turn (change one's direction)pilaᵬ-turn oneself
128949Wamasto turn (change one's direction)bilinʌ-turn oneself
128950Samosato turn (change one's direction)berina-turn oneself
128951Murupito turn (change one's direction)birina-turn oneself
128952Sarugato turn (change one's direction)awizɛ-turn oneself
128953Naketo turn (change one's direction)wazi-turn oneself
128954Mosimoto turn (change one's direction)bilinʌ-turn oneself
128955Garusto turn (change one's direction)fala-turn oneself
128956Yoidikto turn (change one's direction)pilau-turn oneself
128957Rempito turn (change one's direction)bulɛ-turn oneself
128958Rempito turn (change one's direction)ilau-turn oneself
128959Bagupito turn (change one's direction)ᵬayɛ-turn oneself
128960Silopito turn (change one's direction)pesey-turn oneself
128961Ututo turn (change one's direction)pavas-turn oneself
128962Ututo turn (change one's direction)pɛror-turn oneself
127387Ututo vomitpʰa-vomit
127379Sarugato vomitpaha-vomit
127378Murupito vomitvasa-vomit
127377Samosato vomitfasa-vomit
127391Galto vomitpa-vomit
127392Nobonobto vomitpahvomit
127393Nobonobto vomitbaha-vomit
127394Wagito vomitpes-vomit
127376Wamasto vomitfah-vomit
127375Raptingto vomitpas-vomit
127374Panimto vomitbuhade-vomit
127373Bauto vomitfurat-vomit