Z'graggen, J.A., 1980. A comparative word list of the Mabuso Languages, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
127260Rempito fall (drop rather than topple)ab-fall
127261Rempito fall (drop rather than topple)asinɛfall
127262Bagupito fall (drop rather than topple)togɛ-fall
127263Silopito fall (drop rather than topple)ohor-fall
127264Ututo fall (drop rather than topple)ohar-fall
127265Mawanto fall (drop rather than topple)ohunag-fall
127266Baimakto fall (drop rather than topple)ake-fall
127243Gumaluto fall (drop rather than topple)bɛtɛh-fall
127268Matepito fall (drop rather than topple)mahulɛ-fall
127269Galto fall (drop rather than topple)agi-fall
127270Nobonobto fall (drop rather than topple)bi-fall
127271Wagito fall (drop rather than topple)bi-fall
127237Kareto fall (drop rather than topple)kabara-fall
127238Girawato fall (drop rather than topple)urirmo-fall
127239Munitto fall (drop rather than topple)kwete-fall
127240Keinto fall (drop rather than topple)ku-fall
127241Sihanto fall (drop rather than topple)no-fall
127242Sihanto fall (drop rather than topple)nu-fall
128755Bagupito fastenpag-fasten
128756Silopito fastenpag-fasten
128757Ututo fastenpapor̃-fasten
128758Mawanto fastenkwʌg-fasten
128759Baimakto fastenpagu-fasten
128760Matepito fastenpag-fasten
128761Galto fastenpag-fasten
128763Wagito fastenbag-fasten
128762Nobonobto fastenqaga-fasten
128735Kareto fastenkor-fasten
128736Girawato fastenpʌːru-fasten
128737Munitto fasteniːrɛ-fasten
128738Keinto fastenki-fasten
128740Gumaluto fastenlɛlɛ-fasten
128739Sihanto fastendɛrɛ-fasten
128741Isebeto fastenbagi-fasten
128742Ameleto fastenbagɛ-fasten
128743Ameleto fastenkaki-fasten
128744Bauto fastenrɛr-fasten
128745Panimto fastenbage-fasten
128746Raptingto fastenman-fasten
128747Samosato fastenvitɛ-fasten
128748Murupito fastenaha-fasten
128749Sarugato fastenpag-fasten
128750Naketo fastenpagɛ-fasten
128751Mosimoto fastenfuʔo-fasten
128752Garusto fastenvit-fasten
128753Yoidikto fastentahn-fasten
128754Rempito fastenvit-fasten
128036Naketo fell treeo-fell (tree)
128035Sarugato fell treeo-fell (tree)
128043Silopito fell treeo-fell (tree)