
Glottocode: nimo1247
ISO 639: niw

Sources: Conrad and Dye (1975) & SIL (1963)

Classification: Left May, Western Left May, Nimo-Nakwi



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
198242older sisternawąįIConrad and Dye (1975)
198243onesiʌesʌConrad and Dye (1975)
246347one'síyasəSIL (1963)
246358paddleikořúSIL (1963)
198244pigᵽuConrad and Dye (1975)
246349rainSIL (1963)
198245rainConrad and Dye (1975)
246372riverʔi'p̠àup̠SIL (1963)
198246road/pathařiIConrad and Dye (1975)
246320road/pathářiSIL (1963)
246338rootmoSIL (1963)
198247rootatitiConrad and Dye (1975)
198248sagotiConrad and Dye (1975)
246354sagotiSIL (1963)
246362Sago thatchʔwoiSIL (1963)
198250sandupweiIConrad and Dye (1975)
246367sandu'beixSIL (1963)
198251shouldernʌmamiConrad and Dye (1975)
246309skinʔi'nʌ̀SIL (1963)
198254skinabuConrad and Dye (1975)
198217skirtᵽařeigrass skirtConrad and Dye (1975)
246323smallpotáiSIL (1963)
198255smalltʌpontaiConrad and Dye (1975)
198257smoke (of fire)tawoukConrad and Dye (1975)
198256smoke (of fire)monitaConrad and Dye (1975)
246325smoke (of fire)tawoukSIL (1963)
198258snakenɔuConrad and Dye (1975)
198260staramᶗConrad and Dye (1975)
246334starʔamoSIL (1963)
246321stonetə'páiSIL (1963)
198261stonetʌpeiConrad and Dye (1975)
198262sugarcanekouřɔConrad and Dye (1975)
246332sun'húanotaSIL (1963)
246368swampmi'yàSIL (1963)
198263tailnikouConrad and Dye (1975)
198264tarounakiaConrad and Dye (1975)
246328teethiSIL (1963)
198249thatch, roofweisago thatchConrad and Dye (1975)
198265threetɔ:tɔConrad and Dye (1975)
198266thumbinʌmɔConrad and Dye (1975)
246315to bite'áuwi samoSIL (1963)
246371to climbpətióyəSIL (1963)
246345to comenəpamoSIL (1963)
198195to comenɔ momowamoConrad and Dye (1975)
198200to eatpanoConrad and Dye (1975)
246342to eat'yʌ́no 'sánoSIL (1963)
246343to givetwa: 'sálmoSIL (1963)
246318to lie down'ó: nabataSIL (1963)
246327tongueisa:beSIL (1963)
198267tongueisa:peConrad and Dye (1975)