
Glottocode: lemb1266
ISO 639: leq

Sources: Davies and Comrie (1985)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Enga-Kewa-Huli, Engan



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
163391road/pathxa't̮ɕeDavies and Comrie (1985)road
163390road/pathxa'seDavies and Comrie (1985)road
164767banana'xajaDavies and Comrie (1985)banana
163297dog'wunaDavies and Comrie (1985)dog
163246womanwɩn'daDavies and Comrie (1985)woman
165085newwɛ'nɛŋk͑Davies and Comrie (1985)new
164170foreheadwɛ'naβaDavies and Comrie (1985)his forehead
165311to die'wɛd̮ʑə 'maɽoɤə 'maɽamDavies and Comrie (1985)he dies
164286bloodDavies and Comrie (1985)his blood
164854nightwau'gatDavies and Comrie (1985)night
164075onewa'mɛnDavies and Comrie (1985)one
164898blackwam'bɷŋk͑Davies and Comrie (1985)black
165067oldwam'bəŋk͑Davies and Comrie (1985)old
165257no, not'waiɽɛnDavies and Comrie (1985)no
164810axe (stone)Davies and Comrie (1985)axe
165175fullt͑um'baɽamDavies and Comrie (1985)full
163870leaft̮ɕo'mɛDavies and Comrie (1985)leaf
165213threet͑ɛβɷ'manDavies and Comrie (1985)three
164241heartt̮ɕaŋ'gaɽiDavies and Comrie (1985)his heart
164355fathert͑aiŋkDavies and Comrie (1985)his father
165292to heartaɽəˌβiɽɩmDavies and Comrie (1985)he hears
163869leafso'mɛDavies and Comrie (1985)leaf
163508smoke (of fire)sɷgɷ'nəβoDavies and Comrie (1985)smoke
163703moonsa'kun(e)Davies and Comrie (1985)moon
164240heartsa'gaɽiDavies and Comrie (1985)his heart
164574windp͑ɷm'buaDavies and Comrie (1985)wind
164419sisterˌp͑ima'ɽɛŋkDavies and Comrie (1985)sister
165275to say'piɽɛnDavies and Comrie (1985)he says
165345to hit'p͑ɛɽɛmDavies and Comrie (1985)he hits
164308wingˌpɛə'ʁaŋk͑Davies and Comrie (1985)wing
163532ashespʰɛ'dampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)ashes
164972longɽɔn'dɔŋkDavies and Comrie (1985)long
163052headɔn'dɛŋkʰDavies and Comrie (1985)head
164217legɔ'iŋkDavies and Comrie (1985)his leg
165158wetɔɽeβaɽemDavies and Comrie (1985)wet
164832net bag Davies and Comrie (1985)net bag
164833net bag nuDavies and Comrie (1985)net bag
163962to eatnɔ'manəDavies and Comrie (1985)to eat
165403you (pronoun d:2s)nɩm'baɽəDavies and Comrie (1985)thou
165140who?nikajnəDavies and Comrie (1985)who
165139who?'nɩg'hainaDavies and Comrie (1985)who
165362to laugh'ŋgiɛɽɛmDavies and Comrie (1985)he laughs
164437nameŋ̩'gɛŋkDavies and Comrie (1985)name
165462you plural two (pronoun d:2p, dual)'nəɽɩmˌbaɽəDavies and Comrie (1985)you two
163607tooth (front rather than molar)nẽDavies and Comrie (1985)tooth
163606tooth (front rather than molar)neDavies and Comrie (1985)tooth
163986to given̩'d̮ʑaDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
164008to seenˌ'daDavies and Comrie (1985)to see
165192notna'βiɽɩmDavies and Comrie (1985)not
165498we excl. plural (pronoun d:1p, excl, plural)'nanimbəɽəDavies and Comrie (1985)we (pl. excl.)