
Glottocode: nimo1247
ISO 639: niw

Sources: Conrad and Dye (1975) & SIL (1963)

Classification: Left May, Western Left May, Nimo-Nakwi



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
198277windumʌniConrad and Dye (1975)
198278wingnounʌConrad and Dye (1975)
198279womanniąConrad and Dye (1975)
198280yamubeiseConrad and Dye (1975)
198281yesterdayᵽoweConrad and Dye (1975)
246302hairʔami'sòSIL (1963)
246303headʔa'm̀iSIL (1963)
246304mouthitabɔSIL (1963)
246305noseʔimʌSIL (1963)
246306eyemohSIL (1963)
246307neckniotap̠aSIL (1963)
246308bellypanaSIL (1963)
246309skinʔi'nʌ̀SIL (1963)
246310kneeʔimə'ṕuwoSIL (1963)
246311mannɔno 'sámoSIL (1963)
246312womannià 'sámoSIL (1963)
246313bird'ẃəliSIL (1963)
246314dogʔauhSIL (1963)
246315to bite'áuwi samoSIL (1963)
246316to sitpəsi 'yáuSIL (1963)
246317to standpəpi 'túwapmoSIL (1963)
246318to lie down'ó: nabataSIL (1963)
246319to walk'ńəsənaSIL (1963)
246320road/pathářiSIL (1963)
246321stonetə'páiSIL (1963)
246322bighuáuhSIL (1963)
246323smallpotáiSIL (1963)
246324firetaSIL (1963)
246325smoke (of fire)tawoukSIL (1963)
246326earʔɔSIL (1963)
246327tongueisa:beSIL (1963)
246328teethiSIL (1963)
246329breastSIL (1963)
246330handi'ǹʌSIL (1963)
246331foothu'm̀əSIL (1963)
246332sun'húanotaSIL (1963)
246333moonʔi'ḿʌSIL (1963)
246334starʔamoSIL (1963)
246335cloud'síyʌSIL (1963)
246336waterʔwiSIL (1963)
246337treeʔaSIL (1963)
246338rootmoSIL (1963)
246339leafʔauSIL (1963)
246340meat (flesh)p̠upigSIL (1963)
246341eggsá:viyaSIL (1963)
246342to eat'yʌ́no 'sánoSIL (1963)
246343to givetwa: 'sálmoSIL (1963)
246344to seeɛndoweitəsa:řaSIL (1963)
246345to comenəpamoSIL (1963)
246346louseʔamiyoSIL (1963)