
Glottocode: pina1252
ISO 639: pnn

Sources: Davies and Comrie (1985)

Classification: Piawi



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
163022hairidᴶimu'daDavies and Comrie (1985)hair
163045headidᴶibə'dᴶəDavies and Comrie (1985)head
163069mouthadu'saDavies and Comrie (1985)mouth
163094nosenama'gaDavies and Comrie (1985)nose
163118eyemɛmɛ'dᴶiDavies and Comrie (1985)eye
163142neckhɛmɛjɛ'duDavies and Comrie (1985)neck
163166bellywɔ'tʰɔDavies and Comrie (1985)belly
163191skinɭI'k͑aDavies and Comrie (1985)skin
163215manna'baDavies and Comrie (1985)man
163239womanjə'maDavies and Comrie (1985)woman
163263birdjau't͑uDavies and Comrie (1985)bird
163289dogwə'ɲaDavies and Comrie (1985)dog
163312to bite'xaixəɤədəDavies and Comrie (1985)to bite
163335to sithɛmɛ'dədəDavies and Comrie (1985)to sit
163360to standja⋅ɤɔβaDavies and Comrie (1985)to stand
163384road/path'dᴶɩmɷtʰɩDavies and Comrie (1985)road
163408stoneɭɨ'gəDavies and Comrie (1985)stone
163432bigmə'də'gəDavies and Comrie (1985)big
163455smallsa⋅lɨ'gəDavies and Comrie (1985)small
163478fireɲa'buDavies and Comrie (1985)fire
163502smoke (of fire)'muəɤəd(ə)Davies and Comrie (1985)smoke
163526ashesme' sɔDavies and Comrie (1985)ashes
163549earjən'wadᴶəDavies and Comrie (1985)ear
163574tonguesu'wɔDavies and Comrie (1985)tongue
163599tooth (front rather than molar)adᴶu'abɤDavies and Comrie (1985)tooth
163625breasta'uDavies and Comrie (1985)breast
163648handɲɔ'buDavies and Comrie (1985)hand
163672sunnu'maDavies and Comrie (1985)sun
163697moonsɔkᵡɷ'nəDavies and Comrie (1985)moon
163720starguDavies and Comrie (1985)star
163743clouddu'əDavies and Comrie (1985)cloud
163766rainmɛ'gaDavies and Comrie (1985)rain
163790waterDavies and Comrie (1985)water
163815treemu'naDavies and Comrie (1985)tree
163839rootuɭəkᵡɷbɷ'duəDavies and Comrie (1985)root
163862leafmu'nanaDavies and Comrie (1985)leaf
163888meat (flesh)ma⋅'muDavies and Comrie (1985)meat
163912fata'xɛəbədənDavies and Comrie (1985)fat (grease)
163935egg'jautʰumu'siDavies and Comrie (1985)egg
163956to eatja⋅'dᴶɩmɩnəDavies and Comrie (1985)to eat
163978to givejɛna'banəɤaDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
164002to seemɔdu'abədəgʷaDavies and Comrie (1985)to see
164024to comejaDavies and Comrie (1985)to come
164046louseɭɛ'maDavies and Comrie (1985)louse
164069one'jɔ⋅ɤɔdəDavies and Comrie (1985)one
164093two'jadaɤɩnDavies and Comrie (1985)two
164116back (body part)sɨ'ɤiDavies and Comrie (1985)his back
164117back (body part)sɨɭɨDavies and Comrie (1985)his back
164141shouldera'sø⋅dᴶəDavies and Comrie (1985)his shoulder
164164foreheadmɛna'xaDavies and Comrie (1985)his forehead