
Glottocode: kyen1243
ISO 639: kql

Sources: Davies and Comrie (1985)

Classification: Yuat, Miyak-Bun-Biwat



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
163021hairfusibɩľuDavies and Comrie (1985)hair
163044headᵽopDavies and Comrie (1985)head
163068mouthmaʌľɩŋDavies and Comrie (1985)mouth
163093nosenʌnɛlɩŋDavies and Comrie (1985)nose
163117eyesɩpʰalaDavies and Comrie (1985)eye
163141neckmbɨmbatʰDavies and Comrie (1985)neck
163165bellyndawDavies and Comrie (1985)belly
163190skinnᵽɩsakʰDavies and Comrie (1985)skin
163214manaƀɷtDavies and Comrie (1985)man
163238womanmianduDavies and Comrie (1985)woman
163262birdwanmaDavies and Comrie (1985)bird
163288doggɛnDavies and Comrie (1985)dog
163311to bitebʌľanšiľɩmbaDavies and Comrie (1985)to bite
163334to sitisiwaDavies and Comrie (1985)to sit
163359to standmbiŋgapaDavies and Comrie (1985)to stand
163383road/pathmaytDavies and Comrie (1985)road
163407stonemɨndɩmDavies and Comrie (1985)stone
163431biggasaDavies and Comrie (1985)big
163454smallsaDavies and Comrie (1985)small
163477firemɨnDavies and Comrie (1985)fire
163501smoke (of fire)munguDavies and Comrie (1985)smoke
163525asheskʰupiDavies and Comrie (1985)ashes
163548eartanduDavies and Comrie (1985)ear
163573tonguempeDavies and Comrie (1985)tongue
163598tooth (front rather than molar)ŋanduDavies and Comrie (1985)tooth
163624breastmiřu Davies and Comrie (1985)breast
163647handgʌři saŋᵽaŋDavies and Comrie (1985)hand
163671sunƀanmaDavies and Comrie (1985)sun
163696moonŋgɨŋatDavies and Comrie (1985)moon
163719staršunšaDavies and Comrie (1985)star
163742cloudyaŋgɷmDavies and Comrie (1985)cloud
163765rainmaǏumᵽoyƀaDavies and Comrie (1985)rain
163789watermaŋamDavies and Comrie (1985)water
163814treemïDavies and Comrie (1985)tree
163838root'mɨŋišɩmbɨDavies and Comrie (1985)root
163861leafmu andaŋaDavies and Comrie (1985)leaf
163887meat (flesh)nšakʰaDavies and Comrie (1985)meat
163911fatkʰaŋgaǏaŋDavies and Comrie (1985)fat (grease)
163934eggwanmumaDavies and Comrie (1985)egg
163955to eattšɛntšɛntšuƀaDavies and Comrie (1985)to eat
163977to givemašuƀaDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
164001to seewudǏaDavies and Comrie (1985)to see
164023to comeŋɨmaDavies and Comrie (1985)to come
164045lousewututʰomaDavies and Comrie (1985)louse
164068oneŋaykʰʌkʰDavies and Comrie (1985)one
164092twoaǏawinDavies and Comrie (1985)two
164115back (body part)ƀasomaDavies and Comrie (1985)his back
164140shoulderganaŋDavies and Comrie (1985)his shoulder
164163foreheadmbakʰDavies and Comrie (1985)his forehead
164186thumbkʰʌliƀaDavies and Comrie (1985)his thumb