
Glottocode: faiw1243
ISO 639: fai

Sources: Van Cott and Spencer (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Ok-Oksapmin, Ok, Mountain Ok, Division A Mountain Ok, Tifal-Telefol, Tifalic, Faiwol-Seltaman



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
210123fouralʌ leⁱpʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210124fiveaᵘk kalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210125tennʌŋal kʰalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210126taroimɛnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210127sugarcanekʷeitʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210128yamtʰʌbiVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210129bananasumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210130sweet potatowanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210131beanmilᶺVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210132axe (iron)fafi maᵘk kʰabakʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210133axe (iron)dal gagVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210134knifekʰaɾleŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210135knifewokʰsekʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210136knifesagam gagVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210137arrowwunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210138net bag mɛnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210139houseamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210140tobaccosoᵘkʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210141morningkʰutʰimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210142afternoonkʷinʌVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210143nightmiɾilipʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210144yesterdayamsinoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210145tomorrowamsinoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210146whitedʌlaŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210147blackmitʰɪkʰVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210148yellowluŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210149yellowluŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210150redkʰaimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210151greenaⁱsVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210152manyseŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210153all (of a number)aɾigumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210154thismeⁱak boreiVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210155thatjakʰ boVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210156what?utʰʌgonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210157what?watʰʌgonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210158who?kʰapba kʰantaVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210159when?alʌk umi tʰeimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210160where?alʌgalᶺVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210161yesaᵘoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210162no, notbaːyoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)