
Glottocode: faiw1243
ISO 639: fai

Sources: Van Cott and Spencer (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Ok-Oksapmin, Ok, Mountain Ok, Division A Mountain Ok, Tifal-Telefol, Tifalic, Faiwol-Seltaman



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
210022no, notVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210021yesfeinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210020where?nɑmguVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210019when?wɑtɛp diŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210018who?kʰɑnteVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210017what?wɑtʰɑVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210016thatɑtʰeVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210015thiskʰɑɾɑkɑVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210014all (of a number)ɑɾigomVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210013manyfiɑm kʰɑɾin soVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210012greeneis kʰoŋ kʰɑlVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210011redkʰɑim fiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210010yellowkʰitʰɑk̚Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
210009blackmɪgiɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210008whitenɑmɑɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210007tomorrowɑmsokVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210006yesterdayɑmsinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210005nightmiɾiɾeVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210004afternoonkwineVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210003morningkʰutʰimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210002tobaccosok̚Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
210001houseɑmVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210000net bag mɛnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209999arrowwonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209998knifebɑiop̚Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
209997axe (iron)sɛk̚Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
209996beanbɑɣopVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209995yamwɑnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209994sugarcanekweitVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209993taroimɛnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209992tennɑŋɑɾ kʰɛɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209991fiveokʰɑɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209990fourɑɾɛm sɑɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209989threeɑɾɛp mɑnoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209988twoɑɾɛpVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209987onemɑɣop̚Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
209986tailmɑŋomVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
209985clawsigɑl buɾuŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203244fiveokʰɑɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203243fourɑɾɛm sɑɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203242threeɑɾɛp mɑnoVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203241twoaɾɛpVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203240onemɑɣop̚Van Cott and Spencer (2010)
203239tailmɑŋomVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203238clawsigɑl buɾuŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203237wingbɛɾVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203236hornnjɑsɛnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203235featherkʰɑɾimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203234lousekʰɪmVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
203233eggwɪnVan Cott and Spencer (2010)