
Glottocode: bimi1240
ISO 639: bhl

Sources: Van Cott and Spencer (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Ok-Oksapmin, Ok, Mountain Ok, Division A Mountain Ok



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
210484cloudyukVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210446sisteryenVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210504threeyanamasVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210432legyanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210426footyanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210470wetwokkutVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210487waterwokVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210496eggwinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210447namewiinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210478fireweiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210452wallabywatomVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210457fishwasatVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210440old womanwaneŋ faselVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210438girlwaneŋ aulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210442womanwaneŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210510yamwanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210434liverwaaŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210462bad (deleterious or unsuitable)waVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210474axe (stone)tumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210495fattugulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210471dry (be dry)tiowVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210463longtiakimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210454rattelminVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210425handteiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210511bananasumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210464shortsukumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210485rainsukVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210523tomorrowsowVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210512sweet potatosoulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210518tobaccosoukVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210488vinesokVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210453flying foxsiŋamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210522yesterdaysinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210500clawsigalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210514axe (iron)sekVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210494meat (flesh)samalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210515arrowonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210424breastnonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210531when?nomin diŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210529what?nimtewVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210472fullniekVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210486windŋalulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210532where?namVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210427back (body part)mul kunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210501tailmoŋomVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210509sugarcanemokolVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210415nosemitumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210524blackmikilVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210516net bag menVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210468hotmaminVan Cott and Spencer (2010)